The Secret, Solitary Smear Campaign Of A Covert Narcissist

<p>Covert narcissists will smear you.</p> <p>Not just when it&rsquo;s over &mdash; while you&rsquo;re together, too.</p> <p>Sometimes they say things about you to other people, straight out.</p> <p>They might tell people that you&rsquo;re a loser. Or that they&rsquo;re miserable with you. Or that you make their lives hell.</p> <p>Even more subtly, they will&nbsp;<em>allow</em>&nbsp;people to say things about you &mdash; and not correct them.&nbsp;<em>This gives them plausible deniability, so they can&rsquo;t be accused of badmouthing you directly.</em></p> <h2>One way or another, covert narcissists will put you down &mdash; so they can push themselves up, by comparison.</h2> <p>They will do it so subtly, you can barely describe what it is they&rsquo;re doing.</p> <p>They hide in plain site so that no one has a clue who they really are.</p> <p>Underneath the &ldquo;<em>nice-guy&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;<em>(or gal)&nbsp;</em>exterior is a small, petty, disgruntled, envious, mocking, lying, rage-monster. You won&rsquo;t see this side of them at first. You won&rsquo;t see it until their place in your life is firmly established.</p> <p>Then they will set about taking you down &mdash; -without leaving a trace.</p> <h2>Never On My Side</h2> <p>When I first began to notice that my ex was a narcissist, I started reading writers on Quora. The education that I gained there was invaluable. As I learned more about narcissism and asked more questions, I had several people tell me that I should examine the things that had happened in the past &mdash; looking for possible smear campaigns.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>