The Kind of Narcissist That Keeps to Themselves

<p>Out of all types of narcissists, the schizoid narc is the kind who, oftentimes than not, indulge in their own created solitude, albeit in delusion.</p> <p>And it simply doesn&rsquo;t stop there.</p> <p>Schizoid individuals in general find themselves in the role of the &ldquo;lost child&rdquo; within a narcissistic family dynamic. In such families, individuals are typically categorized as either&nbsp;<strong>entirely good, entirely bad, or simply insignificant</strong>.</p> <p>While these roles can be influenced by various factors and may not always follow a strict pattern, a general tendency is that the oldest and youngest members are typically viewed more positively, the second-born is often scapegoated and seen as entirely bad, while others are encouraged to avoid causing disruptions. The &ldquo;lost child&rdquo; is an example of this, and they tend to develop a schizoid way of relating to others.</p> <p>Either due to chronic neglect or significant trauma, the schizoid retreats into their imagination as a way to regain a sense of power and control. They create a psychological barrier that separates them from the full extent of their experiences, leading to a sense of emotional numbness and detachment from their own humanity.</p> <p>This can make them appear distant or preoccupied, as if they are straddling a line between reality and their inner world. They may spend extended periods of time daydreaming and envisioning great achievements, using these fantasies as a means of escape, imagining a better life, or even becoming someone entirely different.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>