Tag: Million

Microservices: The Million-Dollar Mistake Your Company is Making

In the middle of the last decade, as I was elbow-deep in code, tinkering with concepts like service discovery, a buzzword began to echo through the halls of tech companies worldwide — “microservices”. I was there at the dawn, championing the concept, speaking at conferences, and gu...

Will You Ever Save $1 Million?

In a recent installment of my newsletter, I asked subscribers about the $1 million symbol of status. The (fading?) personal financial rite of passage that sits at the heart of the name of this very Medium publication. However, there’s nuance to the discussions  Ben Le Fort...

The World Won’t Appreciate The Good You Do a Million Times

Mrs. Shabnum Affan is a kind and dedicated educator who has spent decades nurturing the young minds of her community. Her classroom is a haven of knowledge and compassion, a place where students come to learn not only about math and science but also about life itself. One crisp autum...

When a Million Raindrops Are Sparkling Like the Stars

It is now day three since it started raining. It never stopped. Fully. The rain got less or stronger. Sometimes I thought it stopped but when I went outside I saw the small drops falling from the sky. It is the summer of the extremes. For the second time in a row, we’re experiencing a long ...

5 Short Indie Games that Made Way Over a Million Dollars

A list of five recent short-form games that made huge gains for their small teams. Indie games are a viable business for developers who are willing to pour their heart into a concept. But a concept isn’t enough; it takes hard work on content, art, grit to keep going, and a solid marketing s...

Why spending $20 million on fireworks might be a good thing

On December 31st, billions of people around the world gathered to bring in 2017 with huge fireworks displays. Fireworks are essential for New Year’s Eve, although no one ever really thinks about the cost of these shows. Some cities go above and beyond, going so far as to attract visitors from ...

Crypto.com and a 7 Million Mistake

A woman from Melbourne received millions of dollars due to an error when funds were returned on Crypto.com. Crypto.com is a Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange platform. The number of users of this platform is more than 50 million people. In addition, Crypto.com have their...

$PEPE Million-Dollar Rug*, Doodles x Crocs, ApeFest Miami, Former OpenSea Employee Sentenced, and More

 Well, well, well… guess what? New week, new newsletter! Don’t get too excited now though, much of last week was uneventful, with a few juicy exceptions. I regret to inform you that the market is still on its annoyingly persistent downward trend, with the occasional unicorn sale an...

The 302 Million Pounds of Food Wasted During Thanksgiving is Equivalent to 671 Statues of Liberty

Food is the main focus of Thanksgiving. Roasted turkey. Stuffed squash. Rustic bread. Deep fried turkey. Stuffing. Green bean casserole. Cranberry sauce. Potatoes drenched with gravy. This particular combination of foods are rarely eaten outside of the American holiday. We love the food we eat on...

Five Formulas for Getting Rich from 100 Dollars to a Million

In the eighth to the tenth weeks, determine the barbecue and craft beer projects, find suppliers, barbecue chefs, and rent a restaurant location. In the eleventh to twelfth weeks, urgently prepare to participate in the local rib festival, strive for a top position, and expand the influence of one...

The $1 Million Award for Weaving

We are proud to announce that the ___ Network was selected for the prestigious and highly anticipated International Weaving Award for Transformational Change of 2023! Each year, the ___ Foundation — a collaborative donors fund who equitably distribute funding decisions to local communi...

$1 Million By 32 Years Old — Here’s How I Did It

If you remember one thing from this post — let it be this: There are only two investments that you should worry about making; The S&P 500 and the S&ME. If you index — out (I recommend buying a Target Date Index Fund, which you can learn about here) and build high-levera...

How to Invest $100 Million (9+ Safe Methods!)

Real estate has consistently proven its value as a dual-edged investment tool. On one side, you have the acquisition of tangible assets, and on the other, the opportunity for consistent rental income. Prime urban locales or the next big suburban communities often witness appreciative property ...

Unlocking Real Estate Success — 3 Tips for Seasoned Pros to Build a $2.7 Million Portfolio in Just 4 Years

Setting ambitious goals is like adding turbo boosters to your real estate journey. It’s time to take off and soar to new heights! As a seasoned investor, you’ve already tasted success, but don’t settle for the status quo. Instead, level up your goals and push your boundaries. ...

No, We Don’t Need $1 Million to Retire

They gave me a reference point when I was clueless. I was. Trust me. I knew nuts about retirement planning in my 20s and early 30s. All I think about is… Medical bills will chew away my lifetime fortune when I’m in my 50s. Thinking about that makes me sweat in my pants. I ...

Do You REALLY Need $15 Million to Retire?!

A recent Harvard study polled retirees, and the retirees that had $1 million saved, wished they had $2 million. The retirees that had $2 million, wished they had $4 million. The retirees with $4 million wished they had $8 million….and so on  It wasn’t until retirees reached abou...

Explained: Why there are 330 Million gods in the Hindu religion?

The majority of religions preach about “one god”. The concept also makes sense because we are told from birth that “God” is the supreme entity. There is nothing beyond it. No one is equal to it. He/She is the one that cannot be compared with anyone else. Now, saying there ...

A $1.9 Million Win For Black Culture

If you keep up with the news, you might remember a case from a woman called Brittney Gilliam back in 2021. According to the case she filed, a police officer searched her and her family at gunpoint. They had no apparent reason to do so. Her statements said that the officer thought she stole the care ...

The Art of Not Making a Decision

If you’re an indecisive person, this is the million dollar question. Today, you don’t know what to wear. You don’t know what to study. You don’t know which present to give. You don’t know how to start a text message. Ugh! So many things in life are about decision-mak...

Quitting Alcohol Now Will Make You a Millionaire in 10 Years

You may be thinking that it’s simply not possible! And you are completely right… Quitting alcohol will not automatically add a million dollars to your bank account. But quitting alcohol will do something even better, even better than being a millionaire! Quitting alcohol wil...