Why spending $20 million on fireworks might be a good thing

<p>On December 31st, billions of people around the world gathered to bring in 2017 with huge fireworks displays. Fireworks are essential for New Year&rsquo;s Eve, although no one ever really thinks about the cost of these shows. Some cities go above and beyond, going so far as to attract visitors from all over the globe just to witness the pyrotechnic masterpieces.</p> <h1>These are the 5 most expensive fireworks displays around the world:</h1> <p><strong>1.</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Abu Dhabi, $20 million&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; In 2009, Abu Dhabi broke the record of the most expensive fireworks with their display costing a massive $20 million USD and lasted 55 minutes. Despite the high cost, it does not hold the record for size. The show was in celebration of the UAE&rsquo;s 37th National Day. The celebrations themselves spanned 12 days, from the 23rd of November to 4th of December.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@gsimarkets/why-spending-20-million-on-fireworks-might-be-a-good-thing-606e94be2529"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>