When a Million Raindrops Are Sparkling Like the Stars

<p><em>It is now day three since it started raining. It never stopped. Fully. The rain got less or stronger. Sometimes I thought it stopped but when I went outside I saw the small drops falling from the sky.</em></p> <p>It is the summer of the extremes. For the second time in a row, we&rsquo;re experiencing a long weather front providing endless rain and floods. Right after weeks of extreme heat. And drought. Here, in Germany.</p> <p>There are no more moderate temperatures. We barely had a day in the 20s. It was either brutally hot with temperatures rising above the 30s or it was chilly and wet around 15 degrees (Celsius).</p> <p>Yes, our weather patterns are getting more extreme, there is no doubt about it. And all I can do right now is adapt to it.</p> <p>Here I went out today. As it was pouring rain, I pulled the hood of my rain jacket deep over my face, put on the waterproof hiking boots and ventured out.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/in-living-color/when-a-million-raindrops-are-sparkling-like-the-stars-f8d9e13ea187"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>