Tag: Making

Fifty and Fun: Making Friends After Age 50

Starting fresh at 50 (nine years ago!) was tough, but I also found it rewarding. One of the many challenges I had in a new city was where and how to make new friends. As a fifty-something, making friends takes more effort than it did when I was younger. It used to be I’d meet new people jus...

Courage in Action: The Life-Changing Impact of Bold Decision-Making

Diving headfirst into the whirlpool of life, eyes closed, breath held in anticipation — that’s what courage in action looks like. It’s the climactic moment when we bid farewell to our comfort zones and leap into the unknown. It’s the story of the most transformative, empoweri...

Top 10 Best Apps for Making Money faster!

I never considered making money from my phone. When we got to the age of cellphones, it all made sense. Today, it’s incredible how simple it is to earn some extra money from the palm of my hand! If you’re seeking for new ways to make money, you should look into the top ten money mak...

The 12 Point Guide To Making Friends As An Adult

You might think this article isn’t for everyone, but I actually believe it is. Introverts, extroverts, ambiverts — we can all unite in the reality that the quality of our lives is largely influenced by the types of people we spend our time with. There are, of course, going to be those...

A Simple Approach to Good (Ethical) Decision-Making

When I was about ten years old, I decided to run away from home. Then I ran (unexpectedly) into an ethical issue. I can’t remember exactly why I wanted to run away (as my life wasn’t exactly bad) but I do remember that I strolled out of the house carrying nothing but a penknife. I was...

6 Lessons I learned while implementing technical RFCs as a decision making tool

As an engineering leader, I value trust and believe that individual contributors should be involved in architectural and high level technical decision making. I consider every line of code to be a decision made on behalf of someone else (including your future self) and having a fast-growing distribu...

Making the metaverse: What it is, how it will be built, and why it matters

When Facebook rebranded as Meta last October, it brought into the mainstream a concept that has been exciting the bright minds of Silicon Valley for years: the metaverse. Mark Zuckerberg’s unveiling of a vision for a new era of integrated, immersive technologies was met with enthusiasm in some...

Making space: where to donate baby and kids items in Chicago

As a mom of two, I feel like I’m always doing the “kids stuff shuffle:” packing up clothes and toys they’ve outgrown and pulling out the hand-me-downs they have finally grown into. But what to do with all the baby and children’s clothes, shoes, toys, gear and art suppli...

Making money as a Real Estate Investor

I personally purchased this property for $120,000 in June and Leased it after rehab for $1450 a month. This property had already been leased for 24 months at $1200 a month. Let’s look at those numbers. Rent $1200 Tax $225 Insurance $60 PM $120 Net $790 $790 X 24= $18,960 was the total take ...

Black People Have Always Been UX Designers : Space-making is an iterative design process

When I learned about UX design, I fell in love immediately. The idea of being able to enhance the experience of users resonated with me in ways I did not fully understand. As I became more immersed into the field, I realized why it felt so much like home. Black people work to enhance the experiences...

Crazy Making

Along with countless others, I grieve for the lives lost to a deranged gunman in Maine. But Grieving is not enough. While I certainly didn’t want the tragedy to occur, the State of Maine could have foreseen it. Indeed, the State essentially made it inevitable. With virtually no restrictions...

3 Things My Dog Taught Me about Blogging and Making Money Online

Maybe I should have called her Nagnag instead of Nefnef. Nefnef doesn’t take “No” for an answer. Sometimes I wonder if she even understands the word. When she wants something… She keeps nagging till she gets it. So should you. Maybe don’t scratch and throw ted...

3D Fashion Design: Five Reasons Why Designers Should Use 3D In Pattern Making

Have you ever been bothered by rushing between studios, fabric suppliers and garment factories carrying the heavy toolkit jammed with pencils, erasers, rulers, etc.? 3D fashion design technology could save designers from such troubles in pattern making. As a computer-assisted design technology, a co...

Making Peace With My Body

Sometime this past summer, my bathroom scale read just over 200 pounds. The last time I weighed that much was over twenty years ago. I felt disgusted with myself and hated my bulging rolls of fat. I became discouraged when over the following several weeks, the scale hardly budged even though I recom...