Crazy Making

<p>Along with countless others, I grieve for the lives lost to a deranged gunman in Maine. But Grieving is not enough.</p> <p>While I certainly didn&rsquo;t want the tragedy to occur, the State of Maine could have foreseen it. Indeed, the State essentially made it inevitable. With virtually no restrictions on the purchase of guns, it was only a matter of time before a major Mass Shooting occurred. In this sense, while shocking, it was not entirely surprising.</p> <p>Unfortunately, all of the other horrific events going on in the world only interact to make things worse. That is, while tragic in and of itself, the Mass Shooting is just part of a larger series of events going on in the larger world that only add to the stress that has taken over our lives.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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