A Simple Approach to Good (Ethical) Decision-Making

<p>When I was about ten years old, I decided to run away from home.</p> <p>Then I ran (unexpectedly) into an ethical issue. I can&rsquo;t remember exactly why I wanted to run away (as my life wasn&rsquo;t exactly bad) but I do remember that I strolled out of the house carrying nothing but a penknife. I was obviously confident in my survival skills and overly trusting that warm weather would continue.</p> <p>With my elementary school logic, I decided that a hole in the ground &mdash; in the woods not far from my house &mdash; was the obvious place to start my new life. As this den was also known to my friends it was not long before one stumbled across me as I cleared the twigs from my future bed space.</p> <p>&ldquo;What are you doing?&rdquo; My friend asked me. &ldquo;Making camp.&rdquo; I replied, &ldquo;I have run away from home so don&rsquo;t tell anyone!&rdquo;</p> <p>My friend wandered off and I continued working. Then, about twenty minutes later my friend arrived back. Behind him stood my dad. I remember looking into my friend&rsquo;s eyes, feeling betrayed but also knowing they had done the right thing. I was outraged and relieved all at the same time.</p> <h1>What Are Ethics and Why Are They Important?</h1> <p>At that stage in life, I had no idea what ethics was, but I did intuitively know that my friend made a courageous moral decision that day. Ethics is simply that; it is making good or right choices. That includes big ethical dilemmas, such should we limit artificial intelligence or genetic engineering, right through to more everyday choices, such as whether you help yourself to extra stationery at the office for personal use at home.</p> <p><a href="https://betterhumans.pub/a-simple-approach-to-good-ethical-decision-making-c6a2371be3d1"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>