3 Things My Dog Taught Me about Blogging and Making Money Online

<p>Maybe I should have called her Nagnag instead of Nefnef.</p> <p>Nefnef doesn&rsquo;t take &ldquo;No&rdquo; for an answer. Sometimes I wonder if she even understands the word. When she wants something&hellip;</p> <p>She keeps nagging till she gets it.</p> <p>So should you. Maybe don&rsquo;t scratch and throw teddies in the face of your blog readers. But you need to do what Nefnef does so well.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@britt.malka/3-things-my-dog-taught-me-about-blogging-and-making-money-online-323f2d658d99"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>