Fifty and Fun: Making Friends After Age 50

<p>Starting fresh at 50 (nine years ago!) was tough, but I also found it rewarding.</p> <p>One of the many challenges I had in a new city was where and how to make new friends. As a fifty-something, making friends takes more effort than it did when I was younger. It used to be I&rsquo;d meet new people just by sitting my butt on the sidelines at one of the kids&rsquo; soccer games or swim lessons.</p> <p>When I moved from the suburbs to the city after my divorce, I left lots of family and friends I love and a town I had more than a passing acquaintance with since I&rsquo;d lived there for almost 20 years.</p> <p>It was scary starting over but I was determined to make some radical changes in my life, starting with where I lived. I thought life in the city would afford more opportunities for figuring out a career path, and I loved the thought of being closer to my kids.</p> <p>Another big factor for the move was the desperation I felt to get some distance from the place I&rsquo;d spent the last 20 years with my ex.</p> <h2>Another Move</h2> <p>After living in the apartment for only three months, I found the perfect little house and moved again, this time to a neighborhood where my daughter lived only steps away.</p> <p>She was the one who alerted me to the little house that had been for sale for a couple of months &mdash; my&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Better-Than-Barbie Dreamhouse</a>&nbsp;&mdash; and told me she thought it would be perfect for me.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Fun Making