Making Peace With My Body

<p>Sometime this past summer, my bathroom scale read just over 200 pounds. The last time I weighed that much was over twenty years ago. I felt disgusted with myself and hated my bulging rolls of fat. I became discouraged when over the following several weeks, the scale hardly budged even though I recommitted to exercising three or four days a week and monitored my food intake on weekdays.</p> <p>A couple of months ago, I decided to take a step back and re-evaluate my health journey because the cycle of restricting my food intake four or five days a week, then on weekends, binging on the foods I didn&rsquo;t allow myself to have on weekdays wasn&rsquo;t getting me anywhere. So, I decided to stop that merry-go-round because of exhaustion.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Making Peace