Tag: Lose

When You Lose Everything And Then Lose It All Over Again

It is a devastating blow when what you have worked on for years is lost.. It can shake you to your core but what happens when you regain your confidence, build again and then lose it all over again? This powerful article explores the challenging reality of facing an insurmountable loss again. ...

No One Told Me I Would Lose All Sense of Home

There are 195 countries in the world at this moment in time. Seven continents. Yet somehow, I couldn’t name one as my home. I spent half my childhood growing up in Germany, the other half in the UK. I have lived in Australia at 18 and Canada at 25. I have travelled to over 26 coun...

Why did Barça lose against UD Almería? Using Stats to Answer It

On Thursday, February 23rd, Manchester United eliminated Barça from the Europa League. Being a lifelong Barça fan, it hurt. Only 3 days later, Almería was the one beating Futbol Club Barcelona by 1–0 in a match to forget. If you watched the game, you already know why Al...

Are we, as women, always destined to lose debates?

Aggression Took Over the World.” It’s been a while since I had on my list a topic related to communication that I wanted to write about. Especially concerning a question that has been on my mind for some time: Are we, as women, always destined to lose debates? In an introspective mann...

Trump is Going to Lose

Watching the PBS NewsHour and a man in a Nikki Haley sweatshirt is talking about how her supporters are afraid to display one of her signs in their yard. The man is a New Hampshire voter. When asked why, he said, I think we all know why. Yes, unfortunately we do know why. But he cannot intimidate...

What Would Texas Lose If They Seceded from the U.S.?

I’m sure there’s a lot more, but at least they’ll be able to take away all women’s rights, shoot “illegal aliens” at the border, and drill, baby drill! Well, they’ll have to, since they’d have to have a treaty to get any oil and gas from the U.S., and ...

When you’re in permanent immigration, you probably lose objectivity.

Of course, you can have an opinion on any political situation or world conflict, regardless of where you live or your immigration status. But I think there is a class of people — and I belong to it — who are more at risk of making questionable judgments. When I started drafting thi...

How to Lose Your Culture in 40 Years

“Papa was born in France.” That was about the size of it. That’s what my Mama told me, in perfect English. I was maybe six years old. That, of course, was never the whole story — it never is. We don’t have time to really process the entirety of what was lost bet...

Why the Democrats Lose

I have voted for Democrats my entire adult life, beginning with the election of 1976. I was raised in a Democratic household. Both of my parents were New Deal Democrats and thought Franklin Roosevelt was the best president ever to serve. My dad worked in a unionized factory and served as president o...