No One Told Me I Would Lose All Sense of Home

<p>There are&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">195&nbsp;</a>countries in the world at this moment in time. Seven continents. Yet somehow, I couldn&rsquo;t name one as my home.</p> <p>I spent half my childhood growing up in Germany, the other half in the UK. I have lived in Australia at 18 and Canada at 25. I have travelled to over 26 countries and counting.</p> <p>At some point, I lost all sense of &ldquo;home&rdquo; as a physical place. Nowadays, home is people.</p> <p>My family in Germany. My friends who are spread all over the world, the majority currently in London.</p> <p>The closest physical place to home is London, as it is where I spent my &ldquo;forming&rdquo; years, my teens and early twenties. However, it is not the place I refer to when I say I&rsquo;m going home. That is usually wherever my family is.</p> <p>Sometimes, when I spend longer in one place, it becomes home. Like the ski resort in Canada, I worked at last winter &mdash; I eventually referred to that as home. Or the hostel in London that I spent a month volunteering at &mdash; the people there became a family and it felt like home, for that time period at least.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s interesting, to lose all sense of home.</p> <p>Because when people talk about settling down or buying a house or anything that relates to long-term plans, they have a certain place in mind. Or at least a certain country.</p> <p>I have neither. It will depend on circumstances, people I will meet and have already met, my career and hopes for the future.</p> <p>Every time I visit a new country, I think &ldquo;This is the one. This is where I will feel this overwhelming feeling of home&rdquo;. I expect it to click in place, a soul connection.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Lose Sense