When You Lose Everything And Then Lose It All Over Again

<p>It is a devastating blow when what you have worked on for years is lost.. It can shake you to your core but what happens when you regain your confidence, build again and then lose it all over again?</p> <p>This powerful article explores the challenging reality of facing an insurmountable loss again.</p> <p>Following our dreams is often a path of suffering because pursuing what really matters to us requires immense hard work, dedication and sacrifice.</p> <p>The journey is riddled with challenges and obstacles, but the true dreamer, having faced many obstacles before, has now realised that suffering whilst pursuing your dreams leads to opportunities of growth by recognising and implementing the lessons along the way.</p> <p>A person committed to their dreams perceives failure as a chance to learn and grow, turning obstacles into valuable lessons that promote self-improvement. This mindset of perseverance and resilience turns every challenge into a step forward in the direction of success.</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;For a committed man, there is no such thing as failure. If you fall down 100 times in the day, it is 100 lessons learnt.&rdquo; &mdash; Sadhguru</p> </blockquote> <p>Overcoming the obstacles that we are presented with, we emerge better equipped and more resilient which leads to a better contribution to our dream. Pain uses us for our emotional reaction but once we flip the script and use pain to propel us to move forward towards our destiny, we are then ready to have our dream realised.</p> <p>The art of sword tempering is a rigorous process of heating and pounding out impurities. While difficult to endure, it results in a blade of unparalleled resilience, strength, beauty and purity.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Lucid-Reality/when-you-lose-everything-and-then-lose-it-all-over-again-c810a2ebefb2">Website</a></p>