What Would Texas Lose If They Seceded from the U.S.?

<p>I&rsquo;m sure there&rsquo;s a lot more, but at least they&rsquo;ll be able to take away all women&rsquo;s rights, shoot &ldquo;illegal aliens&rdquo; at the border, and drill, baby drill! Well, they&rsquo;ll have to, since they&rsquo;d have to have a treaty to get any oil and gas from the U.S., and not so sure we would buy their traitorous oil and gas anyway. In fact, I think blocking all trade with a treasonous country would be acceptable to most Americans.</p> <p>Of course, they could block us from all their ports, but there is a lot more Gulf shoreline we can use.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@dsaldridgeus/what-would-texas-lose-if-they-seceded-from-the-u-s-dc48316f2545"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Texas Lose