Tag: Justice

Enrique Tarrio Proves Justice Isn’t Colorblind

OnTuesday, Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison for his involvement in the January 6 Insurrection. Tarrio, who is Afro-Cuban, was the Chairman of the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys are an all-male, far-right, white nationalist and fascist group that “believes men a...

The Ultimate Test of Love and Justice in this Painting

At the heart of this painting is one of the great biblical tales of truth and justice, as told in the first Book of Kings (3:16–28). Amid shimmering satins and baroque architecture, the image shows the moment when King Solomon was asked to settle a torrid dispute between two women. Both ...

10 Times Banksy Fought for Justice

Banksy is a graffiti artist, political activist, author and filmmaker based in England. Even though Banksy’s identity remains a mystery, he isn’t working alone. He had a whole team behind him named Pest Control. The artist and his team have a reputation for standing up for what they beli...

I Played Every Game in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality

Two and a half years ago, I wrote that opener after coming up with a silly acronym for this series. Now, “like with all great adventures”, this one ends without much pomp or circumstance. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. The end of any journey is rarely one that is put on d...

20.1 Justice and Democracy

What is Justice? This is a question Socrates asked no less than, What is Temperance? What is Piety? What is Courage? But the stakes seem larger with justice, because this virtue plays an immense role in community interactions. Socrates acted on an ideal of justice when he stood up against the Assemb...

Case study: Open Justice in Buenos Aires

It is estimated by the Task Force for Justice that 5.1 billion people fall into ‘The Justice Gap’, those who cannot access justice, of whom the majority are women and children, disabled people, poor people, and people from ethnic minorities. Also revealed was the grave truth that global ...

Article: Rio de Janeiro, a city without justice

It may seem cliché to talk about violence in Rio de Janeiro. However, the international community may not have the real notion of what is happening in this city now in pandemic times. The disorder promoted by the president of Brazil is such that other issues of serious importance are going un...

Bailey v. SF District Attorney: Examining Misconduct & Justice

Considerable concerns and questions have been raised over the Bailey v. San Francisco District Attorney’s Office case ( A153520; nonpublished opinion; San Francisco County Superior Court; CGC15549675. ), a significant legal matter. It touched upon the alleged misconduct of the San Fr...

City compost programs turn garbage into ‘black gold’ that boosts food security and social justice

Almost overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed many Americans’ relationships with food. To relieve some of the stress associated with shopping safely for groceries and ensure food security, many people are once again planting “victory gardens.” This tradition hea...

From Charity To Justice

The power of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) cannot be underestimated. This trifecta holds the key to unlocking a world of positive change and transformative impact. But why exactly does DEI matter in the philanthropic sector, and what potential lies untapped within charitable organizations? ...

The Last Social Justice Post

Which includes the classic line: “Misandry then, is women’s anger against their oppressors. Misogyny is men’s anger against those they oppress.” These articles, these memes, these definitions all follow one consistent premise that has been prevalent over the last forty plu...

Koshy: A Champion of Equity and Social Justice

Koshy, whose life’s tale was set in two countries — India and Malaysia — began his political activism in Kerala, India, and continued it in Malaysia where he received recognition and more opportunities. It was an extremely proud moment — a dream-come-true moment — fo...

From Charity To Justice

The power of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) cannot be underestimated. This trifecta holds the key to unlocking a world of positive change and transformative impact. But why exactly does DEI matter in the philanthropic sector, and what potential lies untapped within charitable organizations? ...

How Voters Held Cameron Accountable For Denying Breonna Taylor Justice

Justice delayed is justice denied,” protesters shouted after learning a Louisville police officer fatally shot 26-year-old Breonna Taylor, an emergency room technician who was lying in bed near her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, at the time of the incident. Using a no-knock warrant, officers burst...

Liberty And Justice For All! Just Not Trans People or Minorities.

Calabai. According to the Bugis gender system, calabai are generally assigned male at birth but take on the role of heterosexual women. Their fashions and gender expression are distinctly feminine but do not directly match those of “typical” heterosexual women. The Bugis people, also ...

5 Sisters and Their Courageous Stand for Justice That Changed History

We might expect that women, under a law that frequently favours men, would keep silent and accept as natural the rule decreed for them. But not these women. Something in them rose to challenge this. They dared to “go out” from the destiny that was being imposed on them. The five siste...

Why Do Good Justice Professionals Do Bad (or at Least Questionable) Things?

New information from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ)indicates that false or misleading forensic evidence has factored in nearly one-quarter of all exoneration cases in the United States since 1989. “The Impact of False or Misleading Forensic Evidence on Wrongful Convictions” a...

WGTE Public Media’s initiative to examine the county’s criminal justice system

TOLEDO, Ohio — There were plenty of thoughts shared during the forum, held a week ago at the Main Library in downtown Toledo. However, that forum didn’t mark the end of WGTE’s community conversation about the issue, which isn’t about politics or division. Rather, an e...

Justice for Victims and Their Families

If asked to define what justice means to you, what would you say? To many people, justice is a product of a society that values fairness and fair treatment of everyone irrespective of their race, gender, or religion. Justice indicates that laws are applied equally to all, and indeed, justice is at t...

Justice Delayed — Justice Denied

The enclosed timeline will clearly demonstrate how First Assistant District Attorney John Dawley and ADA Maura Officer of the Essex County District Attorneys’ Office interfered with the Andover Police Department’s investigation of this case by the sheer magnitude of their misconduct, del...

A Smarter, Bipartisan Approach to Criminal Justice Reform

The debate over the role and policies guiding our police, courts, and prisons did not start with the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in 2020. Activists and policy wonks have been debating major changes for decades. But to understand the current political and cultural moment that Rafael Man...

Criminal Justice Reform: An Examination of Ongoing Efforts and Challenges

Furthermore, the cash bail system has come under scrutiny. Critics argue that it results in the incarceration of individuals who cannot afford bail, leading to a two-tiered system of justice based on one’s financial means. Ongoing efforts to reform this system include the adoption of risk asse...

Doctor sentenced to 63 months in prison says the criminal justice system failed her

Until Dr. Vilasini Ganesh’s ordeal began in 2016, she was living the American dream. She had a thriving medical practice, patients who looked up to her, and a beautiful home that she shared with her family― until she was accused of committing healthcare fraud and the FBI raided her Camp...

From Non-Lawyer to Law Student: Perspectives on Access to Justice

Going to law school seemed a bit paradoxical for me. Of course, given that I had not yet gone to law school at the time, I was a non-lawyer. But not only was I a non-lawyer, I also advanced the idea that non-lawyers could — and should — be able to provide legal help to those in need. I w...

#GlobalJustice: Learning and activism through social media

Dr Madeleine Le Bourdon (POLIS) gathered insights from secondary school students to further understand social media’s impact on student lives and if it can be applied as a tool for informal learning. Herself and Louise Pears (POLIS) will be adding to this with their ongoing research with Unive...

Why — and How — You Should Develop the Social Justice Ministry of Your Church

On July 5, 1968, Christianity Today published an article titled, “Can We Awaken the Sleeping Giant?” Author Ronn Spargur argued that the church was too lethargic, too complacent, too sleepy, too unbothered about doing the work of living like Christians. “Here is the Churc...

Advocating for Equality Social Justice Movements and Activism.

Social justice movements and activism play a pivotal role in advocating for equality, challenging systemic injustices, and striving for a more equitable society. This article aims to explore the significance of these movements in promoting fairness and inclusivity. 1.Historical Context of Activis...

Justice as fairness or justice as capabilities? John Rawls vs Amartya Sen

This article sets out some of the key concepts found in Justice as Fairness, a theory of justice propounded by John Rawls, and then presents Amartya Sen’s account for justice to discuss to what extent it may constitute a response to Rawls’s theory. Rawls and Sen share similar vie...

Exploring how graffiti and street art calls attention to social justice issues

In recent times lots of this type of graffiti and street art in support of ethnic, racial, and social justice issues has been produced. This work may be generic, like profanity laced tags against political leaders (e.g., Fuck Trump), etc., or it may involve more detailed and complicated ty...

Four Suggestions for Social Justice Funders

1.Find a Political Home Social justice movements require scale and scale, in turn, requires a level of consistent connectivity among people and organizations. Political homes — community-based and led social justice institutions or organizations that individuals are members of and with whom...

Remembering Justice O’Connor (but not fondly)

Since her death was announced last Friday, your favorite legal commentators have been gushing about the legacy of Sandra Day O’Connor. Dahlia Lithwick opened the most recent episode of her excellent podcast Amicus by claiming “had there never been an O’Connor, there would...

The Only Supreme Court Justice I Ever Met Died Today. My Story

Today Sandra Day O’Connor died at age 93. The pioneering woman was the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court, by then President Ronald Reagan. She is also the only Supreme Court member I ever actually met. I do not wish to overstate this, the meeting was accidental and very brief, but I w...

The Supreme Court Has a New Code of EthicsA Fear of Too Much Justice

April 22, 2022 marks the 35th anniversary of one of the Supreme Court’s most egregious missed opportunities. In a 5–4 decision, the Court rejected arguments that Georgia was applying the death penalty in a racially discriminatory manner in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth...

Did Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Just Rescue What’s Left of the Voting Rights Act?

Lost in all the fun indictment news was a teeny surprise from democracy’s nine-person wrecking ball otherwise known as the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court stunned everyone when it sent Alabama’s gerrymandered 2022 Congressional redistricting map not just to the drawing ...

Beyond Boundaries: 1st Edition: The Duality of Justice

However, as we continue to advance in modernity as a more cohesive society, one morally clearer and more egalitarian than ever before, there has been unnecessary scrutiny of our fundamental institutions and core beliefs, divorced from the stated intent of our founding fathers and our governing docum...

When the Social Justice Mob Came for Me

My family is Jewish and middle-income, from Miami, Florida. Because my parents valued my education, they encouraged me to attend a private high school. I was only able to do this by applying for and receiving financial aid. On the other hand, most of my high school friends were from wealthy families...

The Urge to Create Gated Communities

It was less than two weeks after my birthday, nearly 70 years ago, on May 17, 1954, that Chief Justice Earl Warren issued a unanimous ruling of the Supreme Court that school segregation was inherently unconstitutional. Thus ended nearly 60 years of “separate by equal” schooling...

What does Tech Justice look like in the UK? | An Introduction

Thanks to the likes of Butler and Monáe, my own interest in science fiction has started to pique. As someone whose work is entirely pre-occupied with matters of social justice, and the intersections of race, class, gender and state violence, in many ways, engaging with an Afro-futurist future...

Why I’m Not A Social Justice Warrior

I remember when I first read Audre Lorde’s seminal essay, The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House as a sophomore in college. I felt like I was hearing something so familiar, yet revolutionary. In it, Audre Lorde criticizes the white organizers of the co...

Justice is a cockroach.

You come to this world thinking there will be blacks and whites, don’t you? One line separating the wrongs from the rights? You come to this world thinking that; and then one day, color happens. You meet the greens, the reds, the blues and the grays; you walk and walk, and discover orange. ...

The Aftershocks of Extraordinary Justice

Isaac Dee Kelly, aka“Dee” as he was known to friends, was a prominent doctor who had arranged a good marriage (2, 18). His beautiful wife Kathleen, equally as powerful, a beloved daughter of an oil tycoon. They seemed the perfect union. Kelley was descended from those that founded the Fr...

The Social Justice Curriculum — what have we learned?

Over 150 staff have participated in Wellcome Collection’s unique, bespoke Social Justice Curriculum (SJC). What have we learned about the impact of this significant personal, professional and collective learning journey led by facilitators with lived and learned experience? This article will r...

Justice Brandeis’s Shootout with the Paparazzi

On December 15, 1890, Louis Brandies and Samuel Warren published what is generally considered the most influential law review article ever written: The Right to Privacy, Harvard Law Review. Brandeis, later to become an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, wrote most of the article, b...

Restorative Justice: A Path to Healing for Survivors and Offenders

My work in the field of trauma and psychological healing has led me to explore various approaches that aim not only to address the symptoms of trauma but also to create a deeper, more meaningful healing process. One such approach, restorative justice, is, I believe, a promising path for healing t...

Shine The Light Founder Eli Brown: “Why we need to take mental health history into consideration in the justice system”

Ihad the pleasure of interviewing: Eli Brown. After struggling with his own mental health and addiction issues, in 2016 Eli Brown founded Shine The Light On, a clothing company designed to bring awareness and a voice to those struggling with mental illness. At just twenty-two years old, he founded S...