Tag: Journal

Day 2 Gratitude Journal

1. Freedom. I’m thankful I am blessed to have the means to pursue my interests. I’m grateful that I was able to leave my job and search for one with greater meaning. I’m thankful that I’m financially able to take this risk and aim for the life I want. 2. Financial stability....

The Wednesday Journal #1

I believe in the importance of individual liberty, (very) limited government, and strong families. I believe that these values are essential to a free and prosperous society. But today, our world is in a bizarre state of chaos. In a world teeming with uncertainty, our convictions and ideals se...

Apple’s Journal App Released! — What’s Inside?

The Journal app was teased by Apple in WWDC23 and the company told it’ll be released “later this year”. Ever since, it’s been one of the most awaited iOS 17 perks. Know what? I’ve just updated my iPhone to iOS 17.2 Developer Beta 1, and to my sur...

Travel Journal: Greece №3 Athens

As a hobby of mine, I enjoy people watching, and as my personal travel partner, I have been watching Chad religiously — seeing what he finds intriguing and how he experiences traveling altogether. I have never seen anyone get so hyped up about something as Chad did for the Acropolis. I can&rsq...

Journal, Day 1323

It was a busy day in Los Angeles. A machete-wielding man was shot to death by police in Calabasas at the Sagebrush Cantina in the outdoor dining area last night after he attacked a patron, who was able to take away the machete. The man then pulled out a knife. Officers tased the suspect twice, but w...

Windmills in The Netherlands: A Photo Journal

The first time I visited, my son and I stayed for five days in Den Haag or the Hague. He was presenting at a conference and I tagged along to keep him company and visit a country I had longed to see. It was a great place to stay in this unique and hospitable country. Near the end of our visit in ...

Bandhavgarh Journal - Chakradhara from Tala

Tala Zone, considered the most beautiful area in Bandhavgarh for scenic and photographic views, consists of some of the region's most famous historic spots, an ancient forest with ruins now inhabited by Tigers. The name Bandhavgarh comes from combination of Bandhav + Garh which means brother&rsq...

My Trans Journal: Some People Just Won’t Listen.

I wrote a story yesterday based on somebody else’s very ignorant uneducated story on their not being able to understand anything about how there can be a gender identity and a sex incongruence. I thought this might be a good learning opportunity. A time for trans people to educate someone. But...

My Journey to Accepting Myself as Non-Binary — Journal Entry

My body has always felt like a battlefield. Growing up with undiagnosed autism meant that I felt extremely uncomfortable with numerous sensory inputs causing me to self harm from a young age. I would bite my hands, hit myself, and eventually started cutting myself to deal with the overwhelm my body ...

My Trans Non-Binary Journal: What Ifs and Maybes

As the sun sets on another day, I find myself reflecting on the whirlwind of changes and experiences that Sarah and I have been navigating in our relationship. It’s been a journey of constant learning, adapting, and growing — both as individuals and as a couple. Today, in particu...

My Trans Journal: Some People Just Won’t Listen.

I wrote a story yesterday based on somebody else’s very ignorant uneducated story on their not being able to understand anything about how there can be a gender identity and a sex incongruence. I thought this might be a good learning opportunity. A time for trans people to educate someone. But...

My Trans Journal: There’s No Hiding Who I Am Anymore

So there I was when our MAGA guest first arrived. I was wearing a purple Tomboy X women’s half-sleeve T-shirt, silky above the knee women’s black shorts, I had on purple socks to match the shirt, my legs and my body shaved smooth, I smelled a bit like flowers, my ear piercings in both ea...

Celebrating 20 Years of Using a Gratitude Journal

I often joke that Oprah was my first spiritual guide. Her afternoon program was more familiar to me than the stories of the Bible, and some of her guests offered inspiring stories that made me feel like I could grow up to be inspiring too. Twenty years later, I barely recall most of what I watched. ...

Weed Journal • September — October pt 1 2021

I’m thinking about collecting the information for all mentioned strains in a separate post, possibly including dates mentioned. Maybe I’ll do a new one after every 10 journal posts, for easy reference. I’ve got a couple more entries to go before I reach 10, but I’m almost the...

Weed Journal • June 2021

Why: bored, feel like it, have wine jello cooling and wanted to get a little fucked up. Taste: ashy, bitter, it’s almost all gone. I can detect some bitter from the weed itself too, like the aftertaste of alum. Effects: I like this little GRAV piece, doesn’t take much to fuck me up...

How does keeping a bullet journal fit in with my digital system

In this article, I will explore why I keep and use a bullet journal and how it fits in with the rest of my productivity and acknowledgement management system. You can read more about my productivity and knowledge management system here. My last update was written in 2023. My productivity and...