My Journey to Accepting Myself as Non-Binary — Journal Entry

<p>My body has always felt like a battlefield. Growing up with undiagnosed autism meant that I felt extremely uncomfortable with numerous sensory inputs causing me to self harm from a young age. I would bite my hands, hit myself, and eventually started cutting myself to deal with the overwhelm my body was experiencing.</p> <p>On top of my sensory difficulties, my body was also telling me that my assigned gender of female didn&rsquo;t sit right with me. In my experience, gender wasn&rsquo;t something that I thought about as a child. Childhood felt gender neutral to me, it felt free. That is until I turned about 10 years old and I got my period for the first time. I was early to develop physically and once my breasts started forming, so did an ever growing knot in my stomach. Boys and men started noticing my development and I felt a target stuck to me that I couldn&rsquo;t shake off.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Journal entry