Day 2 Gratitude Journal

<p>1. Freedom. I&rsquo;m thankful I am blessed to have the means to pursue my interests. I&rsquo;m grateful that I was able to leave my job and search for one with greater meaning. I&rsquo;m thankful that I&rsquo;m financially able to take this risk and aim for the life I want.<br /> 2. Financial stability. I&rsquo;m grateful that my finances are healthy and I have an emergency fund saved.I feel blessed to be able to provide for my family&rsquo;s needs while searching for a meaningful career. I grew up in a family that struggled financially so I am thankful that is not the case for myself.<br /> 3. New career. I&rsquo;m grateful I found a new career that genuinely interests me and I found a great company to start with. I&rsquo;m excited for new opportunities and learning a new field.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>