Tag: iOS

iOS 17 @Observable and the Observation Framework

WWDC 2023 introduced us to the new iOS-17@Observable property wrapper along with a cleaned-up @State that now supersedes the previous @State @ObservedObject, @StateObject. This is fantastic — it’s always been a source of confusion for those starting on Swift...

How I Built an Emoji Picker Library for iOS

The choice of emojis is a common phenomenon in apps because they have become a popular way for users to express themselves digitally. They can be used to add individuality and emotions to text messages or additional meaning to various elements of the application. For example, in my Timetable...

7 Secretive Arts of Developing Epic iOS and Android Apps.

In a world driven by technology, the demand for innovative mobile applications has reached a fever pitch. Developers are constantly striving to create groundbreaking apps that captivate audiences and redefine user experiences. This article will unravel the enigmatic world of app development, providi...

Understanding the iOS and Android UI Guidelines

Let’s begin with iOS, whose UI has a flat design style. Its skeuomorphic features from earlier iterations have been removed. Android design relies on shadows to show hierarchy, and its UI resembles layers of paper. iOS has San Francisco as the system font, while Android uses Roboto. Ofco...

StandBy for iOS 17

While I’m only a week or so into using the iOS 17 beta — I’m getting too old for this shit? — it’s already pretty clear what the standout feature is: StandBy. This is the new mode where when you have your iPhone in landscape mode whilst charging, it displ...

How to be better iOS Developer using this tips!

When you first start writing code, it’s exciting to be able to solve problems with code. You may have also felt the satisfaction of creating an app that meets your expectations. But when you’re new to coding, it’s easy to miss things. That’s because most of us learn by our...

How to change/rename the app name in react-native(in android and IOS)

To change the app name in a React Native project, you’ll need to make adjustments both in the code and possibly in the configuration files. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it: Change the Display Name (Visible Name): To change the display name of your app that appears on ...

Canopas Newsletter

Hello Readers, Thanks for being Canopas subscribers!!! Here is our curated collection of links and a brief intro about this week’s latest updates of different technologies if you have missed any. Our Stack Weekly iOS Stack Weekly — Issue#87 This week in...

How I Organize My Life in One App (not Notion

We have so much to remember and keep track of. There are many of apps to help us stay organized, but the complex ones take up too much time and energy so they’re hard to stick with, and the simple ones only helps us with one type of thing forcing us to spread our information across many sys...

How I Organize My Life in One App (not Notion

We have so much to remember and keep track of. There are many of apps to help us stay organized, but the complex ones take up too much time and energy so they’re hard to stick with, and the simple ones only helps us with one type of thing forcing us to spread our information across many sys...

Advanced Swift Actors: Re-entrancy and Interleaving

Conceptually, they’re pretty simple: actors are reference-typed entities that enforce serial access to their methods and state. However, without understanding their nuances, it’s hard to know whether an actor is the right tool for the job or if you’re adding complexity. To help ...

10 Deadly SwiftUI Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them

Swift and SwiftUI are powerful tools for creating beautiful and responsive apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. However, learning these technologies can also be challenging and frustrating, especially if you encounter some common pitfalls and errors along the way. In this article, I will share...

My iPhone Has Replaced My HomePod Mini Because of iOS 17

Iwas quite taken with the Google Pixel tablet after I watched the  Mark Ellis  reviews on TikTok. This wasn’t because it seemed to be a better tablet than an iPad. I’ve no idea because I’ve never used one. No, what caught my attention was how surprisingly usef...

Migrating an Android app to iOS with KMP — Part I: First steps and architecture

Since I started Alkaa, a task management open-source app, I have dreamt of also releasing it on iPhone. However, I don’t have experience in developing apps for iOS, and porting all the features to Swift would be an exhaustive job. Imagine how surprised I was when JetBrains introduced K...

iOS vs Android: Which Mobile Operating System is Better?

With over 1 billion iPhone users worldwide and over 2 billion Android users, iOS and Android are the two dominant mobile operating systems today. Both offer slick interfaces, vast app stores, and great smartphone hardware, but there are some key differences between these two platforms. In this artic...

Create Build Flavor in Flutter Application (iOS & Android)

From this article we will learn step by step how to different environment application (iOS & Android) using the same source code. Outline What is Build Flavor Difference between Build Flavor & Build Mode Define Environment Setup Fluter App Setup Build Flavor in iOS Setup B...

iOS 17.1 Released — 21 New Features You NEED To Know!

Apple released iOS 17.1 lately, and it’s got a handful of new features that would make your life a bit more easier. I’ve already mentioned 14 of its new features in this article → iOS 17.1 Beta 1 Released — What’s New? (14 New Features!) For me, it’s as ex...

Understanding Static Library vs Dynamic Library in iOS Swift

JARNBOY say “Hello everybody”, Welcome to share knowledge session for understand about Static Library and Dynamic Library for iOS developer Introduction When developing iOS applications using Swift, it’s crucial to understand the concept of librar...

10 tips to increase your iOS code quality (pt. 2)

Quick and straight to the point, here are 10 tips that you can adopt in your iOS projects. If you want to check part 1 and add another 10 tips to your toolkit, here it is  10 quick tips to increase your iOS code quality Practical Strategies for Elevating Your iOS Code Quality bloren...

Singleton Design Pattern in iOS

The Singleton design pattern is a software design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system. The Singleton pattern is one of the simplest and most widely used design patterns. Example...

Start your first iOS Application Pentest with me.. (Part- 1)

Hope y’all doing good. So today we are going to prepare a jailbroken iOS device to start an iOS pentesting. This article won’t be covering the complete methodologies, Will be sliced into two parts. Only the following things will be covered today. 1: Installing the required tools and C...

IOS Microapps Architecture — Part 1

Not so long ago I decided to understand what Microapps architecture is, how it differs from usual modularity, and in general, how to implement it. This is the first part where we will understand what modular architecture is, why we need it, and how to implement it in iOS. In Part 2, we wi...

How to be better iOS Developer using this tips!

When you first start writing code, it’s exciting to be able to solve problems with code. You may have also felt the satisfaction of creating an app that meets your expectations. But when you’re new to coding, it’s easy to miss things. That’s because most of us learn by our...

ContentUnavailableView : iOS 17 & SwiftUI 5

Empty state screen in apps provide essential advantages. They offer clear and informative guidance to users when there’s no content to display, reducing confusion and frustration. This proactive approach enhances the user experience by maintaining engagement and preventing abandonment. Empt...

Migrating an Android app to iOS with KMP — Part I: First steps and architecture

Since I started Alkaa, a task management open-source app, I have dreamt of also releasing it on iPhone. However, I don’t have experience in developing apps for iOS, and porting all the features to Swift would be an exhaustive job. Imagine how surprised I was when JetBrains introduced K...

StandBy for iOS 17

While I’m only a week or so into using the iOS 17 beta — I’m getting too old for this shit? — it’s already pretty clear what the standout feature is: StandBy. This is the new mode where when you have your iPhone in landscape mode whilst charging, it displ...

Popular Software Design Principles You should know as iOS Engineer

In the last article we have talked about solid principles, So in this article we’re going to talk about another software design principles you should know iOS Engineer. DRY principle: The DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself) is a software development principle that st...

The 4 Best iOS 17 Features

I have been using the beta version of iOS 17 since it was released the day after WWDC23. First of I was really surprised that I was able to download it as it appeared to be the developer’s version which I have not paid for, but it seems that it was released for beta users, so that was a bonus....

iOS Swift S.O.L.I.D. Principles

The SOLID principles were introduced by Robert C. Martin(a.k.a Uncle Bob) in his 2000 paper “Design Principles and Design Patterns.” These concepts were later built upon by Michael Feathers, who introduced us to the SOLID acronym. And in the last 20 years, these five principles...

Easily implement Trending and Recommended Communities in iOS Apps

Fostering user engagement is key to the success of any application, hence knowing how to recognize trends or recommendations is key. This blog post will guide you through the process of implementing trending and recommended communities within your iOS app using the Amity SDK. We will delve into...

The future of iOS development with Flutter

Since its launch in 2017, Flutter has quickly become a top choice for iOS app development. Developers worldwide love Flutter. Using Flutter, they can code once and deploy their apps to iOS, Android, web and desktop. This has led to a massive following, with over a million ap...

10 quick tips to increase your iOS code quality

Writing quality code is a continuous improvement process. We all improve over the years if we continue to practice. The code that you write today is probably better than the code you wrote two years ago, and it will probably be worse than the code you’ll write one year from now. And that&rs...

iOS interview preparation(part 1)

I believe that many developers, regardless of their experience level, encounter similar challenges when preparing for technical interviews. It’s common to forget certain core concepts because daily work doesn’t always align with the topics covered in interviews. To address this, I’...

How to Add Custom Popovers to Your iOS App

There are currently 3 ways to present popovers. One is with UIPopoverPresentationController , but that only works on iPad. You could also present a UIMenu , but that’s only for iOS 14+. Finally, you could use UIAlertController. This is probably the easiest to implement...

Here Are 10 Incredible iOS 17 Features Apple Didn’t Reveal

That old iOS 16 update exceeded my expectations — as a guy who’s into utility over beauty. But it’s a pretty upsetting update for wallpaper freaks. It killed Live Wallpapers. (Look at people’s rant in forums) Maybe Apple listened to them lately, we’ve go...

Technical Takeaways from Building an Animated Image Carousel on The New York Times iOS Core News App

As an iOS developer at The New York Times, I’ve worked on building features using SwiftUI, Apple’s latest UI framework, in an ecosystem built with its original one, UIKit. Both of these frameworks are used to build iPhone, iPad and Apple TV applications. Our team has turned ...

Swift Charts: How to Make Stacked Bar Charts in iOS and SwiftUI

If plain vertical and horizontal bar charts aren’t enough, and you want to add another dimension to your data visualizations, well, you’re in luck. Stacked bar charts allow you to cram in extra data without ruining the aesthetics or user experience, and today you&rsqu...

Here’s Why Developers Prefer Android Over iOS

Which makes the exact opposite argument. Now some of its points are convincing like how iOS users pay more for apps. However if you’re using a cross platform framework like Flutter it doesn’t really matter because you can code for both. And honestly coding for both is the best option if ...

Bottom Sheet View Controller with Dynamic Content Height in iOS

In this article, we will develop a reusable bottom sheet view controller class with the following features: Automatic resizing of the bottom sheet based on the content height. A draggable top view for dismissing the bottom sheet. A dimmed background that also triggers the dismiss action. ...

Harnessing The Power of Async/Await in SwiftUI: Revolutionizing Concurrency in iOS Development

In the grand theater of iOS development, concurrency has always played a leading role. Over the years, the narrative has transitioned from the robust yet complex choreography of Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) and Operations to the modern, elegant ballet of Async/Await introduced in Swift 5.5. The simp...

How to Convert Your Angular Application to a Native Mobile App (Android and iOS)

Looking for a way to convert your existing Angular application to a mobile app without having to rewrite everything from scratch? Well, you came to the right place. In this article, we will be using Capacitor to achieve that. Prerequisites Before we start, make sure to set up your en...

How to Become an Exceptional iOS Developer and Earn $7k a Month

Learn the Fundamentals of iOS Development To become an exceptional iOS developer, you need a solid foundation in the core frameworks and languages used for iOS development. Here are the key things every aspiring iOS dev should learn: Swift Programming Language — Swift is the main lang...

iOS vs Android: Which Mobile Operating System is Better?

With over 1 billion iPhone users worldwide and over 2 billion Android users, iOS and Android are the two dominant mobile operating systems today. Both offer slick interfaces, vast app stores, and great smartphone hardware, but there are some key differences between these two platforms. In this artic...

iOS Development — CryptoKit

Swift CryptoKit is a framework developed in Apple’s Swift programming language, used for cryptographic operations. This framework provides developers with a set of tools and algorithms to perform secure and robust encryption, hash operations, digital signatures, key management, and other crypt...

How to Disable Home Screen Wallpaper Blur in iOS 16

The iOS 16 update is bringing several customization features that iPhone users have been clamoring for for years. Now users can use lock screen widgets, set automatic rotating wallpaper, and enjoy depth effects on their wallpapers. Another feature we love is the automatic blurring of ...

iOS Development — Security

In today’s rapidly evolving world of mobile technology, the iOS platform has become an indispensable part of millions of people’s daily lives. Smartphones and tablets perform a multitude of functions, from communication to entertainment, from work to personal life. As a result, the secur...

How to pick the perfect iOS build system in a minute

This guide is not a comprehensive tutorial for learning; instead, it offers a quick reference to help you promptly identify what to prioritize Why considering alternatives to the Xcode build system makes sense? Complex Configuration Slower Build Times Inflexibility Limited Ver...

How to enable IOS Push Notifications (Flutter/Firebase)

When we implement push notifications for Android, everything seems so simple — you write the code and pushes instantly come to your device. However, with iOS, everything is far from being so easy. This brief guide describes how to enable IOS Push Notifications to your Flutter application us...

7 New Apple Notes Features Coming with iOS 17

After months of beta testing, Apple has finally released the stable version of iOS 17 to the public. iOS 17 packs tons of quality-of-life improvement features, with Apple’s stock apps becoming even better. While other stock apps have received several notable updates, with the Safari profi...

SwiftUI: Crafting Elegant User Interfaces for iOS and macOS

SwiftUI is a modern and intuitive framework introduced by Apple for crafting elegant user interfaces across iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms. With its declarative syntax, SwiftUI simplifies the process of creating user interfaces by allowing developers to describe the desired outcome rather t...

Swift: Crafting the Future of iOS and macOS Development

Swift is a programming language that was created by Apple in 2014 as a modern and powerful alternative to Objective-C, the previous language used for developing iOS and macOS applications. Swift is designed to be fast, safe, expressive, and interactive, allowing developers to write elegant and effic...

4 Easy Ways to Type the Degree Symbol (°) in macOS and iOS

Can’t find the key for the degree symbol on your keyboard? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! One of the most common problems that Mac users encounter is the lack of dedicated keys for certain symbols on the Apple keyboard. The Degree symbol (°) is one of them. Luckily, the...

Can I Develop iOS Apps on Windows: Exploring the Possibilities

Apple’s Ecosystem Lock-In Apple’s stringent ecosystem can present a significant challenge for Windows users. The official development environment for iOS apps, Xcode, is exclusively available on macOS. This creates a seemingly insurmountable barrier for developers tied to Windows. ...