StandBy for iOS 17

<p>While I&rsquo;m only a week or so into using the iOS 17 beta &mdash;&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">I&rsquo;m getting too old for this shit?</a>&nbsp;&mdash; it&rsquo;s already pretty clear what the standout feature is:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">StandBy</a>. This is the new mode where when you have your iPhone in landscape mode whilst charging, it displays a new data presentation style, geared towards far more glanceable information. Things like the time, the date, the weather, etc. It sounds mundane. And it is. But it&rsquo;s also brilliant.</p> <p>The obvious use case is as a bed-side clock. And it&rsquo;s good for that. While you might worry about having a screen beaming its backlight in your face all night, Apple has created a smart mode (&ldquo;Night Mode&rdquo;) that shifts all the visuals to red. It looks like you&rsquo;re on a submarine. Or like it&rsquo;s DEFCON 1. It&rsquo;s cool &mdash; albeit slightly masculine? It&rsquo;s clearly borrowed from the &ldquo;Night Mode&rdquo; on the new Apple Watch Ultra &mdash; more on this in a bit &mdash; but it&rsquo;s arguably more useful here.</p> <p>But this bed-side use case also begs the obvious: Apple doesn&rsquo;t sell a dock that currently easily allows for you to enter this mode. Third-party accessory makers do &mdash;&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">I have this one by Belkin</a>, which is great (though pricey) &mdash; but it&rsquo;s sort of wild that Apple has no way to do this beyond propping your iPhone up at an angle while charging. It&rsquo;s so overt &mdash; and the new functionality is so good &mdash; that I have to believe we&rsquo;ll see a new iPhone charger announced alongside the iPhone 15 in a few weeks. My guess is that it will be a wireless charging &ldquo;puck&rdquo; on a stand. Maybe they&rsquo;ll even sell one like Belkin&rsquo;s which lets you charge the Apple Watch as well &mdash; eat your never-shipped heart out, AirPower. I mean, they&nbsp;<em>have</em>&nbsp;to do this. Again, the third-party docks work well, but Apple can&rsquo;t just leave this money on the table. It&rsquo;s not in their nature.&sup1;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: iOS StandBy