How I Built an Emoji Picker Library for iOS

<p>The choice of emojis is a common phenomenon in apps because they have become a popular way for users to express themselves digitally. They can be used to add individuality and emotions to text messages or additional meaning to various elements of the application.</p> <p>For example, in my&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Timetable</a>&nbsp;app, which is designed for keeping track of a schedule, it was necessary to add the ability to attach an emoji to the schedule title.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>UI settings for the schedule name</p> <p>It can only be done in a systematic way using&nbsp;<code>UITextField</code>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<code>UITextView</code>&nbsp;+&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">a keyboard type workaround</a>. In my case, this was not suitable and I started looking for other ways. I found several libraries, but they all did not work for me for various reasons.</p> <p>In some cases, there was a lack of localization and there were various bugs, in some cases, the UI was not suitable, etc. The main thing for me was that this element was in the Apple style, worked correctly, and was localized for all languages.</p> <p>I found a suitable solution in MacOS. There is exactly a system element that appears in the right place for you and has an arrow that shows which element is the starting point.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Emoji selection element in macOS</p> <p>In the end, I made the decision to create a similar element for iOS. Next, I will describe the difficulties I encountered and the solutions I used during development.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: iOS Emoji Picker