Here’s Why Developers Prefer Android Over iOS

<p>Which makes the exact opposite argument. Now some of its points are convincing like how iOS users pay more for apps. However if you&rsquo;re using a cross platform framework like Flutter it doesn&rsquo;t really matter because you can code for both. And honestly coding for both is the best option if you want the most users.</p> <p>But as a developer I prefer Android over iOS. And here&rsquo;s why.</p> <h2>1. You Can Build On Windows Or Linux</h2> <p>Now this isn&rsquo;t that big of a deal right now because I do like MacOS a lot. I have an M1 Air and it does everything I want. But what if I chose to move away from MacOS? What if I wanted that new Framework laptop and installed Linux on it? Then I can&rsquo;t build to iOS anymore.</p> <p>This is a huge reason why many developers choose not to build to iOS. I see it all the time. People saying &lsquo;How do I build to iOS without a Mac?&rsquo; and so far the best solution seems to be to rent a Mac server. Not a great option.</p> <p>And with this is XCode. Now coding in Flutter I don&rsquo;t have to deal with XCode a lot. But it is bad, OK?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Android iOS