Swift Charts: How to Make Stacked Bar Charts in iOS and SwiftUI

<p>If plain&nbsp;<a href="https://betteriosdevelopment.com/swiftui-charts-bar/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">vertical</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="https://betteriosdevelopment.com/swiftui-charts-horizontal-bar/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">horizontal</a>&nbsp;bar charts aren&rsquo;t enough, and you want to add another dimension to your data visualizations, well, you&rsquo;re in luck. Stacked bar charts allow you to cram in extra data without ruining the aesthetics or user experience, and today you&rsquo;ll learn all about them.</p> <p>Prior experience with Swift Charts isn&rsquo;t mandatory, but you&rsquo;ll have an easier time understanding this article if you already know how vertical bar charts in Swift and SwiftUI work. By the end of the article, you&rsquo;ll have an iOS app with a stacked bar chart showcasing the company&rsquo;s revenue data among different departments. Let&rsquo;s get started!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/better-ios-development/swift-charts-how-to-make-stacked-bar-charts-in-ios-and-swiftui-f4cd5b08a081"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: iOS SwiftUI