Tag: Impact

5 Ways to Drive Impact with Research

Any researcher working in industry understands that research has to drive positive business value. Companies hire researchers because they believe their investment will pay off when it comes to the bottom line. But how exactly does research create impact? The most common form of impact in my expe...

The negative impact of technology in the workplace

From the time we wake up to the sound of an alarm clock to answering messages on the phone through the day, we’re hooked to electronic gadgets. Whether we’re working on the computer at the work desk or worrying about cyber-attacks and phishing while browsing the Internet, technology has ...

Zoom In vs Zoom Out — 3 Steps to Maximizing Your Leadership Impact

The premise behind zooming in and zooming out is simple. There are times as a leader when you need to be close to things. Close to your product. Close to the technology. Close to your customers and employees. In these times you are in the proverbial weeds. You are literally “in the engine room...

Where do you sit on the Leadership Impact spectrum? Are you Invaluable?

Did you know that less than 15% of the population are high-performing? And that high performers spend at least 65% of their work effort and time on the things that have high impact and are not urgent? ⮞ Are your leaders stressed and working long hours? ⮞ Are your leaders focused on the ur...

Impact of Wealth on Happiness and Well-being

In our society, wealth is often associated with success and happiness. However, the relationship between wealth and well-being is more complex than it seems. While financial security is undeniably important, the impact of wealth on happiness extends beyond monetary factors. In this article, we will ...

How does artistry of and at the border change its impact on individuals?

So goes the chant of the fear-mongering politicians keen to use billions of dollars for a dangerous wall instead for, say, healthcare or schools. For a bit of (terrifying) fun, you can read “Trump’s Evolving Words on the Wall,” an NYT compilation of Trump tweets, speeches, and inte...

King of The Desert: The Camel’s Impact on History

Throughout history, a select group of animals has significantly influenced the course of human civilizations. Horses, with their speed and power, have shaped warfare and transportation across open terrains. Elephants, with their formidable size and strength, have been paramount in war, labor, and ce...

Give Now and Double Your Impact

The generosity of our readers has made it possible for a diverse range of journalists — Adam Brinklow, Kristi Coale, Adam Echelman, Max Harrison-Caldwell, Lydia Lee, Gisselle Medina, Oscar Palma, and so many more — to report deeply on San Francisco hous...

Climate change will impact everything everywhere all at once

Over the weekend, I read a disturbing article that quoted a potential presidential candidate who wrote, “We will keep fighting until we put a stop to ESG once and for all!” ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance and is a set of investment standards for a c...

Four High-Impact Actions for Individuals on Climate Change

The climate debate is often fraught with assumptions, projections, best wishes, and unclear thinking. This leaves many people concerned about the climate in a bind. “What can I do?” people ask. “How can I help?” Unfortunately, those fraught assumptions lead to low-impact acti...

The Impact of Taxes on Your 401k Savings

Saving for retirement is essential, but it can be challenging to navigate the many variables that impact your savings. One of the most significant variables is taxes. When it comes to your 401k, taxes can impact your savings in several ways. Today, we will explore the impact of taxes on your 401k sa...

Beyond the Bling: How Tiffany & Co.’s Atrium Program Shines a Light on Social Impact

Dear Friends and Colleagues, While Tiffany & Co.’s iconic blue boxes and dazzling diamonds often steal the spotlight, another side to the brand that deserves attention is its commitment to social impact and community engagement. Enter Tiffany’s Atrium Program, described as a ...

The Powerful Impact Of A Transforming Life

The digital clock on the east wall of the Diner showed 11:11 P.M. when Frank, Melissa, and Isabel were finally seated in a booth on the east side of the dining room. To Frank’s right was a small sign which read “seating capacity 40 persons.” He chuckled a moment as he sat down...

Give to the Max Day: A Celebration of Generosity and Community Impact

Minnesota, with its vibrant tapestry of nonprofits and educational institutions, has always been at the forefront of community-driven initiatives. One event that encapsulates this spirit of giving is the annual Give to the Max Day (GTMD). Approaching its 15th anniversary in 2023, the excit...

Future Of Real Estate: Unveiling Tokenization’s Impact on the Industry

The real estate landscape is undergoing a revolutionary transformation with the advent of blockchain technology and, more specifically, real estate tokenization. This innovative approach is reshaping the industry by breaking down traditional barriers and offering new opportunities for investors of a...


AI is revolutionising the real estate industry by driving positive change through its significant role in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. The industry has recognised the importance of ESG practices, and AI is transforming how sustainability is assessed, managed, and impro...

Unlocking the Business Impact of DEIB: The Power of Belonging

As organizations are increasingly being asked to do more with less, hard decisions have to be made about which programs to prioritize, and which to let go for “business” reasons. Among programs that are often first on the chopping block: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)...

Some of My Favorite Books About How Gender Dynamics Impact our Culture

I’m interested in having a better understanding of what is going on in our culture as far as how constructs and constraints of gender impact how we think and act. I want to know, beyond the surface dynamics, what’s going on in the subtext, and why we haven’t moved forward any furth...

The truth about the insidious impact of “not seeing colours”

During a busy weekday lunch at a downtown restaurant a few weeks ago, I found myself unintentionally drawn into the conversation of two women seated nearby. As they conversed, the first one, an assertive white woman in her mid-thirties, was sharing her experiences in diverse work environments. She s...

Recognizing the impact of culture in inclusive communication

Cultural sensitivity is a fundamental aspect of effective communication, particularly for speaking professionals aiming to create inclusive and impactful experiences for their audiences, as recognizing and respecting the diverse cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values of audience members allows fo...

B Corp Impact Topic: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI)

BLab’s standards define the performance that a company needs to manage and continuously improve upon to achieve and maintain B Corp Certification. Since 2006, they have been developed to improve their impactfulness and clarity around what it means to be a leading business and to incorporate fe...

Pluto conjunct Natal Moon Transit: Impact on Houses

When Pluto conjuncts the Natal Moon in an astrological transit, it signifies a highly transformative and emotionally intense period in an individual’s life. The Moon represents our emotions, instincts, and innermost feelings, while Pluto is associated with deep, profound change and transformat...

“The Transformative Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Legal Services and Collaboration”

‍The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the legal industry by automating repetitive tasks, streamlining document discovery, and facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing among legal professionals. In this article, we delve into the various...

The Impact of Slotting on Receiving and Shipping Processes

Introduction: The Power of Effective Slotting Slotting, the art of strategically placing items within a warehouse, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency of receiving and shipping processes. When executed correctly, it leads to faster retrieval times, optimized space utilization, and a ...

Economic Impact of Self-Driving Cars

One thing remains a fact; the introduction of autonomous vehicles (affiliate) to our economy would mean a never-seen-before-kind-of economic disruption that threatens to be reflected in most sectors of the economy. From credible sources, by 2030, there would be a total sale of 30 million e...

On the Move: Unleashing the Power of Truck Advertising for Unparalleled Brand Impact!

Truck advertising, a form of Out of Home Advertising (OOH), involves displaying marketing content on the sides of trucks to reach a diverse audience. This medium utilizes both static and digital displays, employing LED technology to showcase dynamic and memorable content. The benefits of truck adver...

The Impact Of Video Surveillance In Urban Establishments

The rise of video surveillance in cities has become an integral aspect of modern urban planning, aimed at enhancing public safety and deterring criminal activities. While the intentions behind widespread video monitoring are often related to civilian protection, the increasing prevalence of surveill...

Unveiling the Shadows: The Rise and Impact of QAnon

The Genesis of QAnon QAnon first surfaced on October 28, 2017, on the infamous 4chan forum, where an anonymous user named “Q” began posting cryptic messages. These posts, known as “Q drops,” posited the existence of a global cabal involved in sinister activities, including...

Navigating the Impact of Politics on Mental Health

The intersection of the political climate and mental health is more prominent than ever in a society where political strife and election anxiety tense the very fabric of our well-being. With a staggering 40 percent of Americans identifying the impact of politics on mental health as a primary stresso...

How to Address the Impact of Racism on Mental Health

The psychological toll of experiencing racism is a profound examination of the emotional and cognitive consequences individuals face when subjected to discriminatory practices. This exploration centers on the intricate dynamics that unfold, delving into the depths of the impact on self-esteem, ident...

Connecting Entrepreneurs of Color with Capital for Impact

Financial leaders and entrepreneurs are reshaping programs to help build a more equitable impact ecosystem and economy. Low-cost loans and other financial tools can help financial organizations connect with entrepreneurs from underrepresented communities who are growing businesses that create positi...

Decades of White Resentment: A Closer Look at Its Roots and Impact

The Post-Civil Rights Era (1960s-1970s): White resentment gained momentum as the Civil Rights Movement challenged longstanding racial hierarchies. Desegregation efforts and affirmative action policies stirred apprehension among some white individuals who felt their traditional privileges ...

Cryptocurrencies and the Environment: Understanding the Ecological Impact

The rise of cryptocurrencies has revolutionized the financial world, but it has also raised significant concerns about their environmental impact. This article aims to enlighten beginners and those concerned about ecology on the ecological implications of cryptocurrencies, especially focusing on the...

Impact Diamonds: Beauty and Science

Impact diamonds: A unique type of diamond that tells a story of extreme conditions Diamonds have been known for their beauty, rarity and durability for centuries, but did you know that there is a type of diamond that tells a story of extreme conditions? These are called impact diamonds. Impact...

Physics in Genshin Impact

let’s find out what planet it is, how big it is and whether it is larger than our planet Earth. Now we find out the radius of the planet and its mass First, we need a point that we will take as the horizon line. I decided that it would be the Bei Dou ship and the nearby island of Inazum...

Dissecting the Reach and Impact of Twitter’s Top Voices

Twitter has been at the centre of numerous controversies because of the influence of some of the largest accounts on the platform. The top 100 twitter accounts (by following) have an estimated total following of around 4.1 billion. We have seen how the top voices of Twitter can sway political opinio...

How Uruguay Legalised Cannabis and the Huge Impact It’s Had

Uruguay legalised cannabis in 2013, the first country to do so. The plan was to take control of the marijuana market out of the hands of the baddies and put it in the hands of the government. Adults can now legally grow up to six plants at home and also join non-profit cannabis clubs, where membe...

The Impact of Pharma TV Ads: Do People Really Pay Attention?

Pharma companies invest heavily in television commercials to promote their products. These ads often flood the airwaves, promising relief from ailments ranging from allergies to chronic diseases. But amidst the abundance of commercials, one pertinent question arises: Do people truly pay attention to...

How Does Social Class Impact a Person’s Life?

The first aspect, which I found the most important of all, is a person’s health and wellness of their family. It is obvious, that upper crust society can afford a better health care and medicine. Talking about eating habits, they have enough time and money to eat organic food, or jus...

The Impact of Cultures and Traditions on Our Sense of Belonging

Culture and tradition have never been more crucial in this modern world that has become a global village. These traditions give us a sense of origin and ancestry, providing a skeleton for our identity in an increasingly multicultural global village. Yet, as I found in a recent enlightening conversat...

The Psychological Impact of Being a Living Goddess

The Kumari Goddess is a Hindu tradition that has been practiced in Nepal for centuries. It is believed that the Kumari Goddess is an incarnation of the Hindu goddess Taleju, and is worshipped as a living goddess. The tradition of worshipping a living goddess is believed to have originated in the Mal...

Hollywood’s Impact on Global Culture:

At the heart of Hollywood’s influence lies its unparalleled ability to tell compelling stories that resonate universally. Whether it’s tales of heroism, love, or triumph over adversity, these narratives tap into fundamental human experiences that transcend cultural differences. From t...

The Art and Impact of T-Shirt Design

The Rise of T-Shirt Design The evolution of t-shirt design parallels the broader shifts in fashion and culture. What began as a utilitarian garment worn as an undershirt has evolved into a cultural icon embraced by people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. T-shirts serve as bl...

Influencer Impact on Beauty Trends

Beauty influencers have the ability to introduce new products, techniques, and styles to their audience, instantly creating trends that resonate with their followers. Whether it’s a viral makeup challenge, a groundbreaking skincare routine, or a must-have beauty product, influencers can ignite...