How Does Social Class Impact a Person’s Life?

<p>The first aspect, which I found the most important of all, is a person&rsquo;s&nbsp;<strong>health</strong>&nbsp;and wellness of their family. It is obvious, that upper crust society can afford a better health care and medicine. Talking about eating habits, they have enough time and money to eat organic food, or just to cook healthy meals for themselves, or order them. Living as a part of working class, one cannot afford not only healthy food in restaurants, but also simply fruits and vegetables, which are essential for human body. A super busy man from a working class is more likely will go to McDonalds to grab a cheaper fast high-calories lunch, instead of buying farmer&rsquo;s fancy vegetables and fresh meat for cooking his own healthy meal. That may cause many illnesses and diseases, and many people consider it as a big problem of our society.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: class Impact