The Powerful Impact Of A Transforming Life

<p>The digital clock on the east wall of the Diner showed 11:11 P.M. when Frank, Melissa, and Isabel were finally seated in a booth on the east side of the dining room. To Frank&rsquo;s right was a small sign which read&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;seating capacity 40 persons.</strong>&rdquo; He chuckled a moment as he sat down, thinking about the odd fascination that numbers had for him when he was a younger man when such odd coincidences would have meant something to him when he still tried to pay attention to the patterns of numbers in his life. I<em>t was on the 11th of November that he had first met Veronica while covering a story on a hurricane in Florida. 40 dead he remembered the number vividly and he had flown down on flight 40 and returned on flight 240.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>