Tag: Housing

Is Housing Solvable?

My favorite apartment ever belonged to a friend of mine in Brooklyn. It had to have been — at most — 550 square feet, but it was decorated in such a clean, modern way and laid out perfectly. You felt like you were in an actual studio of some sort, with a really trendy and hip a...

Is Housing Solvable?

My favorite apartment ever belonged to a friend of mine in Brooklyn. It had to have been — at most — 550 square feet, but it was decorated in such a clean, modern way and laid out perfectly. You felt like you were in an actual studio of some sort, with a really trendy and hip a...

Housing Prices Tick Back Down — But Not Really

We’ve now entered the “bad for everyone” stage of the housing market. Well, almost everyone. More on that in a moment. But for now, our existing owners, prospective buyers, and renters are all experiencing some form of suffering when it comes to housing. Given that tho...

Barcelona’s housing mission: from a market-fixing to a market-shaping approach

In many major cities around the world the housing rental market is broken. Barcelona is a case in point: rent is skyrocketing, and is now at record levels when compared with wages. Meanwhile, affordable dwellings are not being delivered by the market at the scale needed to satisfy present and f...

Rent increases exacerbate Barcelona’s housing crisis.

Despite having an excellent career and residing in Barcelona for 21 years, Luis Jard was never able to afford to move up the housing ladder. When he first moved to the city, his rent made up 20% of his take-home pay; however, if he had just renewed his lease, the payments would have consumed approxi...

Housing: The Last Squat in Berlin

BERLIN — In central Berlin, a nondescript, East German-style building with a prefabricated façade stands defiantly against the rapid gentrification happening around it. The building is referred to by its street address: Habersaathstraße 40–48. “Habersaath 48 st...

Predicting Housing Prices Using Scikit-Learn’s Random Forest Model

Having a housing price prediction model can be a very important tool for both the seller and the buyer as it can aid them in making well informed decision. For sellers, it may help them to determine the average price at which they should put their house for sale while for buyers, it may help them fi...

Here’s the deep analysis of Hong Kong housing market..

When you hear about Hong Kong (HK), what comes up to your mind first? Gourmet food? World-class skyscrapers? Riots? Or freedom? But what comes to an econ student’s mind is its sky-high property prices and competitiveness. Nowadays, USD$1 million can only get you a 226 sq.ft apartment in ...

Melbourne’s Suburban Rail Loop and housing affordability

Melbourne has extreme growing pains[1]. The city’s population has increased from 3.4 million in 2000 to over five million in 2020. The 2010s saw average annual population growth of over 2.3%. This is a growth without parallel for a city in the developed world. The Victorian Government is im...

Melbourne’s Housing Affordability Crisis

Property prices in Melbourne have become so expensive that many young people will never be able to buy homes in their own neighbourhood communities. The negative social impacts of housing pressures play out across class, generational, and gender lines, affecting individuals and communities simultane...

The Canadian Housing Bubble — How It Started and How it Will End

Imagine waking up one day to find that the dream of owning a home in your city has become a distant mirage, a luxury only the rich can afford. Welcome to the reality of many Canadians today, especially those in bustling cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Today we will tell the story of the Canadian ...

Crime In New York City: linking to income and public housing

While this year of 2020 has presented many inconvenience and unknown factors that may happen in the city, public safety still needs to be viewed as an important element in protecting citizens’ lives and facilitating city’s operation. In a sense of knowing more of crime cases happened thi...

SF’s About to Blow a Key Deadline on Housing Reform. Punishment Could Be Here for the Holidays

Ahalf-century of obstruction against new housing across much of San Francisco has boiled down to 30 days: That’s how long state housing regulators gave City Hall to move swiftly with changes. And yet officials are almost certain to blow past the deadline. Missing this key timeline would pot...

San Francisco’s $50 Billion Affordable Housing Problem

Incase you’re wondering how San Francisco’s housing crisis is going, there’s a new TV series in which Anthony Mackie travels a post-apocalyptic wasteland and fights a 300-pound killer clown because someone promises him an SF condominium — and this doesn’t feel...

This Housing Law Is Changing Cities Like SF and Everyone Loves It, Including the People Who Opposed It

Case in point: In July, the nonprofit developer Mission Economic Development Agency announced that at long last it had reached a deal on 2205 Mission, a long-defunct property on 18th Street that will soon offer more than 60 affordable homes for local teachers. The development comes with one ...

SF Lawmaker Closes 469 Stevenson Loophole With New State Housing Law

It’s been two years since San Francisco lawmakers sought to block a new development of nearly 500 homes on a valet parking lot in downtown San Francisco, but the blowback from that baffling vote is still being felt — so much so that SF Assemblymember Phil Ting sponsored legisla...

What It’s Like Living in an SRO, the Cornerstone of SF’s Affordable Housing Stock

For a long, intimate look at a significant part of San Francisco, a new documentary is essential viewing. Home Is a Hotel, which screened last week at the Roxie Theater, started as a 12-minute, black-and-white short, and now filmmakers Kevin D. Wong, Kar Yin Tham, and Todd Sills have expan...

The Canadian Housing Bubble — How It Started and How it Will End

Imagine waking up one day to find that the dream of owning a home in your city has become a distant mirage, a luxury only the rich can afford. Welcome to the reality of many Canadians today, especially those in bustling cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Today we will tell the story of the Canadian ...

Unlock Missing Middle Housing

The idiom goes “home is where the heart lies”… but let us not forget a flourishing heart is only achievable when the home is attainable. The housing crisis and affordability issue has been a major cause of concern for many, especially young people. While a problem not just spec...

The Canadian Housing Bubble — How It Started and How it Will End

Imagine waking up one day to find that the dream of owning a home in your city has become a distant mirage, a luxury only the rich can afford. Welcome to the reality of many Canadians today, especially those in bustling cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Today we will tell the story of the Canadian ...

Tiny Houses Are Perfect Housing Alternatives, But Regulations Prevent Permanent Dwelling

Tiny houses have gained popularity through shows like “Tiny House Nation” and “Tiny House, Living Big”. YouTube is My favorite place to see tiny house experiences. I have seen hundreds of videos from Tiny House Giant Journey, Tiny House Expedition, and Living B...

Will Housing Bust In 2023?

The housing market will likely make or break the U.S. economy this year. Housing is both a significant component of GDP — construction and housing related services account for roughly 17% of U.S. GDP. It’s also a huge driver of consumer and bank confidence. Americans have a lot of their ...

In This Brutal Housing Crisis, Should The U.S. Army Build Mass Housing For Americans?

America is being strangled by a housing crisis. People simply can’t afford to buy homes. At first, home buying is about subjective factors. The curb appeal, the charm of a house, and falling in love with your new dream home. But the process of buying a home quickly becomes about mathemat...

Bay Area Housing Market: A Millennial’s Guide to Homeownership

The Bay Area’s housing market is no walk in the park, especially for millennials facing a double whammy of high living costs and soaring mortgage interest rates. But fear not, ambitious homebuyers! With strategic planning and a dash of resilience, you can navigate this labyrinth and turn your ...

Latte Budget vs. Rent Monster: Who Will Win? Your Guide to Affordable Housing Victory

Hidden Cash Cow: Unleash the “Gig Economy”: Websites like Fiverr and Upwork offer a treasure trove of remote freelance gigs in writing, design, virtual assistance, and more. Turn your skills into a side hustle that boosts your rent fund. The App Arena: Budgeting Buddies: Tools like Co...

Why the NY Housing Compact would have been great for Nassau County, and how it could have been even better.

Renting or buying a home in the New York City metro area is difficult to say the least. If you’ve spent any amount of time living in the region in recent years, you have probably experienced the lines outside open houses, met numerous friends residing with family, and stories of couples leavin...

Why is Socialist Housing so Ugly

When people drive through the outskirts of any major Slavic city that once belonged to the Soviet giant, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, or any similar countries, they often frown upon the endless panoramas of socialist housing blocks that intimidate western eyes and freeze the blood in their ve...

Aaron Peskin’s Been a Force for and Against Housing in SF for 20 Years. Now Comes the Real Test

Aaron Peskin, the president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the city’s most influential politician this century, has housing on his mind, just as he has since he was first elected in 2000. For the past 23 years, Peskin has been in and out of City Hall, serving some time as hea...

A Tale of Two Housing Developments

If you are just getting into housing policy, the terms ‘public housing’ and ‘affordable housing’ may seem to mean the same thing; however, they are two different strategies that local governments have/are using to help house individuals and families who generally make below 1...

An Uncertain Forecast for Middle Housing

So many Washingtonians struggle with housing; homelessness, high rent, housing instability, finding a place to live near their work, never being able to buy a place, not being able to move for opportunity or to escape a bad situation, or being forced out by development or economics of the communitie...


This weekend, a friend sent me a TikTok of a man in Boston who was angry and yelling about being homeless. The man was angry because he said he works 40 hours a week and is homeless. He was saying how housing has become a problem, yet we are bringing in and housing immigrants and refugees. The sa...

Combating the New Housing Apartheid: Lessons from the Great Rent Strike War of 1932

Good morning! And Happy Black History Month everyone! Remember the Alabama Riverboat Brawl back in August? This post has nothing to do with that, I just wanted to bring it up because that’s the type of energy I’m planning to be on all month. But I do have an interesting b...

Recovery in homeless housing needed

Rehabilitation First is a philosophy that people who experience homelessness suffer from addiction and need substance abuse treatment if they are to succeed in housing. Aurora recently charted a “Rehabilitation First” approach. That doesn’t mean people who aren’t sober have t...