Here’s the deep analysis of Hong Kong housing market..

<p>When you hear about Hong Kong (HK), what comes up to your mind first? Gourmet food? World-class skyscrapers? Riots? Or freedom?</p> <p>But what comes to an econ student&rsquo;s mind is its sky-high property prices and competitiveness.</p> <p><strong>Nowadays, USD$1 million can only get you a 226 sq.ft apartment in HK.&sup1;&sup2;</strong></p> <p>HK ranks as the top 10 most expensive cities in the globe and gains notoriety for its sky-high property prices. ⁷Nowadays, housing accounts as the largest purchase in people&rsquo;s life. Especially in traditional Chinese culture, owning a house is seen to be a necessity to many.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Housing Market