Tag: Homeless

Scientists Gave Homeless People $7,500, Here’s How They Spent It

Giving 50 homeless people $7500 each In the vibrant backdrop of Vancouver, something remarkable was taking shape. The New Leaf Project, a venture by the Foundations for Social Change and the University of British Columbia, was all set to challenge some entrenched beliefs about homelessness. ...

Scientists Gave Homeless People $7,500, Here’s How They Spent It

Giving 50 homeless people $7500 each In the vibrant backdrop of Vancouver, something remarkable was taking shape. The New Leaf Project, a venture by the Foundations for Social Change and the University of British Columbia, was all set to challenge some entrenched beliefs about homelessness. ...

Scientists Gave Homeless People $7,500, Here’s How They Spent It

In the vibrant backdrop of Vancouver, something remarkable was taking shape. The New Leaf Project, a venture by the Foundations for Social Change and the University of British Columbia, was all set to challenge some entrenched beliefs about homelessness. Here’s how it unfolded: I...

The Homeless Guy on the Lawn

I first noticed the blue Tyvek tent while driving to work. It was tied to a sycamore tree outside our apartment, stretching from the sidewalk to the edge of our lawn. When I returned home, I saw the homeless man. He looked to be in his 30s, white, a bit pudgy. He was asleep, half in and half out of ...

I am homeless and I need shelter. What do I do?

While an unprecedented effort is underway to protect public health by urgently bringing as many people as possible inside, COVID-19 has created additional challenges for people experiencing homelessness. Access to food is limited with restaurants and community resources closed throughout the coun...

Don’t be homeless after taking the red-eye to Europe

Virtually all the flights from the US to Europe are red-eye (overnight). This is so there is enough time for the plane to make the return trip back to the US in the same day. Convenient for the airlines but decidedly inconvenient for passengers. That means you often arrive in Europe (especially west...

Chinatown Homeless

There was one interesting encounter we had while walking around Chinatown. A gentleman of Chinese descent commented that we were walking too fast. We stopped to speak to him and he informed us that we were in too much of a rush and that this was bad for our health. He proceeded to show us images on ...

For SF’s Homeless Mothers and Families, This Nonprofit Has Big Plans for More Housing, Job Training

HPP has raised $5.5 million and needs to hit $20 million as their part of the fundraising. Nonprofit Mercy Housing, which will build and manage the residential floors, raising the rest. Eskridge, an SF native, had been the interim executive director since November 2022 but just had the “int...

Thirteen, Trans and Homeless

I come from a small village in Mersin province, Turkey. There was a time when I would sit on the rocks with my camera that had no name and try to capture the rarest moment of all: a still wave. Everyone in the village called me Prenses. That means princess in Turkish. The whole village....

I Was Saved by a Cat When I Was A Trans Homeless Kid

I could see myself. I could see myself shivering in a blanket under a railway bridge. I could see myself crying. I could feel it, too. Nothing was more painful than the absence of love I felt at that moment. It felt so vast it was unimaginable. I was so numb that if I died there and then, I don&rsqu...

A Woman Receives Lesser Punishment for Shotting a Homeless Man

An unsheltered individual is shot by a woman who manages to escape almost unscathed. It just goes to show how biased the criminal justice system is, and how many flaws it has, leaving those who truly seek justice hurt and broken. Katie Quackenbush, 32, was sentenced to 11 months and 29 days on pr...

Child Abused and Killed By Homeless Man

Mickel Cherry faces the charge of capital murder, meaning the man may be handed the death sentence. Little Zoey was found in a field near the homeless camp where Mickel resided. She was unresponsive, and it was abundantly clear from her injuries that that was no accidental death. Firefighters at ...

Homeless Hero

Dominik Bloh became homeless at the age of 16 when his grandmother, who had been raising him, passed away, and his mentally ill mother ejected him from home. He lived on the streets, slept in train stations, parks, yet continued attending school and even managed to pass his high school exams. He spe...

£3 Billion Spent Keeping Asylum Seekers in Hotels While Homeless Brits Die on the Streets

In the UK, we spend £3 billion keeping asylum seekers in hotels, while homeless Brits live — and some die — on the streets. It’s really screwed up. We have a system where local authorities are supposed to house homeless people in emergency accommodation, and they do. But s...

A Homeless Guy and an Illegal Alien Walk into A Park

“Ireally liked the dog from your Tinder profile,” I said to him, looking gingerly around at the baggage he had decided to bring to our date. It’s a first date. Usually people leave their issues — and things — at home for those. He couldn’t. “Oh, you won&r...

Formerly homeless speakers decry Venezuelan ‘invasion’

Two people who formerly experienced homelessness told the Denver City Council on Monday they are responding to the surge of migrants in the city at the expense of existing homeless services. Brandy Majors and Jesse Lashawn Parris both referenced the “invasion” by Venezuelan migrants. ...

What You Don’t See: The Voluntary Homeless

One of the stranger things that happens when you’ve squatted in gutted warehouses and stayed in the streets for a bit involves the people you meet. Some folks are clearly off their gourd. Others are not totally detached from reality, but clearly still have something wrong with them — ...

Opinion: ‘Blues’ killing Denver homeless, formerly homeless people

An epidemic making its way through the unhoused and formerly unhoused communities is wiping people out. The culprit is “the Blues.” Not depression. Blue pills cut with deadly fentanyl have become all the rage in my building, Fusion Studios. Some people purchase meth with shavings of &...

Recovery in homeless housing needed

Rehabilitation First is a philosophy that people who experience homelessness suffer from addiction and need substance abuse treatment if they are to succeed in housing. Aurora recently charted a “Rehabilitation First” approach. That doesn’t mean people who aren’t sober have t...

‘Blues’ killing homeless, formerly homeless people

An epidemic making its way through the unhoused and formerly unhoused communities is wiping people out. The culprit is “the Blues.” Not depression. Blue pills cut with deadly fentanyl have become all the rage in my building, Fusion Studios. Some people purchase meth with shavings of &...