What You Don’t See: The Voluntary Homeless

<p>One of the stranger things that happens when you&rsquo;ve squatted in gutted warehouses and stayed in the streets for a bit involves the people you meet.</p> <p>Some folks are clearly off their gourd. Others are not totally detached from reality, but clearly still have something wrong with them &mdash; like an addiction. Even more are just kids who are down on their luck.</p> <p>Once in a while, you&rsquo;ll meet a homeless person that makes you rethink how you see life. They are either so down-to-earth that it&rsquo;s unsettling, or so out there that you have to question your own beliefs.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ossiana.tepfenhart/what-you-dont-see-the-voluntary-homeless-3aa74cce0f8c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>