Opinion: ‘Blues’ killing Denver homeless, formerly homeless people

<p>An epidemic making its way through the unhoused and formerly unhoused communities is wiping people out. The culprit is &ldquo;the Blues.&rdquo;</p> <p>Not depression. Blue pills cut with deadly fentanyl have become all the rage in my building, Fusion Studios. Some people purchase meth with shavings of &ldquo;blues&rdquo; mixed in.</p> <p>People in my building, Fusion Studios, die of overdose rather regularly. Word on the street is that they&rsquo;re dying in other communities for the formerly unhoused, too.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@davidheitz50/opinion-blues-killing-denver-homeless-formerly-homeless-people-53184cb9f5f4"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>