Chinatown Homeless

<p>There was one interesting encounter we had while walking around Chinatown. A gentleman of Chinese descent commented that we were walking too fast. We stopped to speak to him and he informed us that we were in too much of a rush and that this was bad for our health. He proceeded to show us images on his cellphone of people that he claimed lived a more relaxed lifestyle and were aging well as a result. Among them were Martha Stewart and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I glanced down while he spoke and noticed that he had a suitcase on wheels. This, I&rsquo;d wager, contained most if not all of his belongings. Although obviously homeless, he presented himself as the Ambassador of Chinatown, here to tell us tips and tricks of the area and, apparently, of life itself. He listed various places we needed to visit. He also boasted that mentioning our conversation with him could gain us entrance into the more exclusive nightspots in the area. &ldquo;Just say the Ambassador sent you,&rdquo; he said.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>