Tag: GPT

This One Prompt Will 10X Your Chat GPT Results

At this point, we all know that basic prompts will only get you generic answers. And the solution to this is pretty simple. All you need to do is write a detailed prompt. But writing such prompts is not a simple task. And it requires us to do one thing we don’t like to do — think. ...

ChatGPT Unveiled: What’s the ML Model Inside it, from GPT-1 to GPT-4

In this new exciting era of impressive AI advancements, Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT have captured a huge interest from the public. Whether it’s used for writing emails, debugging code, or answering complex questions, ChatGPT shows an outstanding capabilit...

Private GPT: Fine-Tune LLM on Enterprise Data

Introduction In the era of big data and advanced artificial intelligence, language models have emerged as formidable tools capable of processing and generating human-like text. Large Language Models like ChatGPT are general-purpose bots capable of having conversations on many topics. However, LLM...

Apple Is Silently Investing Billions In Something Dubbed “Apple GPT”

Apple is up to something. The next one more thing. Billions are silently being funneled into generative AI. Why should you care? Because what is about to come is probably the tech equivalent of discovering a new planet. Let’s dig in. The billion-Dollar bet on generative AI $2...

Building an AI-powered Football Commentator

If you’ve ever played a game like FIFA or PES, you’ll know that sometimes the pre-recorded commentary leaves you less immersed than you’d like. A commentator could be reading the team sheet, and suddenly they interrupt themselves by screaming a player’s name. Or maybe y...

Apple Is Silently Investing Billions In Something Dubbed Apple GPT

Apple is up to something. The next one more thing. Billions are silently being funneled into generative AI. Why should you care? Because what is about to come is probably the tech equivalent of discovering a new planet. Let’s dig in. The billion-Dollar bet on generative AI $2...

Build a beautiful-looking GPT Chatbot with Plotly Dash

ChatGPT has impressively demonstrated the potential of AI chatbots. In the next few years, such AI chatbots will revolutionise many areas of the economy. Frameworks like LangChain make chatbot development accessible to everyone. But with these frameworks, you only develop the logic of the AI chatbot...

Inside GPT — I : Understanding the text generation

Regularly engaging with colleagues across diverse domains, I enjoy the challenge of conveying machine learning concepts to people who have little to no background in data science. Here, I attempt to explain how GPT is wired in simple terms, only this time in written form. Behind ChatGPT’s p...

Natural Language Processing: Beyond BERT and GPT

The world of technology is ever-evolving, and one area that has seen significant advancements is Natural Language Processing (NLP). A few years back, two groundbreaking models, BERT and GPT, emerged as game-changers. They revolutionized how machines understood and interacted with human language, mak...

Private GPT: Fine-Tune LLM on Enterprise Data

In the era of big data and advanced artificial intelligence, language models have emerged as formidable tools capable of processing and generating human-like text. Large Language Models like ChatGPT are general-purpose bots capable of having conversations on many topics. However, LLMs can also be fi...

Understanding Large Language Models: The Physics of (Chat)GPT and BERT

ChatGPT, or more broadly Large Language AI Models (LLMs), have become ubiquitous in our lives. Yet, most of the mathematics and internal structures of LLMs are obscure knowledge to the general public. So, how can we move beyond perceiving LLMs like ChatGPT as magical black boxes? Physics may prov...

Your Fate in Robopsychologists’ Hands

Once upon a time, humans gazed at the stars and pondered what existed beyond our planet’s borders. Now, as we peer into the digital universe, we find ourselves asking a similar question: what mysteries lie within the depths of artificial intelligence… and what dangers? The key to und...

GPT-Engineer: Generate an Entire Codebase with 1 Prompt!

We’ve seen how ChatGPT can generate code for us. Then we’ve seen how Auto-GPT could make GPT-4 fully autonomous. And now we can build entire apps with one prompt with GPT-Engineer. How does it work? Simple, you only have to describe your project and GPT-Engineer will build i...

Inside GPT — I : Understanding the text generation

Regularly engaging with colleagues across diverse domains, I enjoy the challenge of conveying machine learning concepts to people who have little to no background in data science. Here, I attempt to explain how GPT is wired in simple terms, only this time in written form. Behind ChatGPT’s p...

Understanding Large Language Models: The Physics of (Chat)GPT and BERT

ChatGPT, or more broadly Large Language AI Models (LLMs), have become ubiquitous in our lives. Yet, most of the mathematics and internal structures of LLMs are obscure knowledge to the general public. So, how can we move beyond perceiving LLMs like ChatGPT as magical black boxes? Physics may prov...

Private GPT: Fine-Tune LLM on Enterprise Data

In the era of big data and advanced artificial intelligence, language models have emerged as formidable tools capable of processing and generating human-like text. Large Language Models like ChatGPT are general-purpose bots capable of having conversations on many topics. However, LLMs can also be fi...

Natural Language Processing: Beyond BERT and GPT

The world of technology is ever-evolving, and one area that has seen significant advancements is Natural Language Processing (NLP). A few years back, two groundbreaking models, BERT and GPT, emerged as game-changers. They revolutionized how machines understood and interacted with human language, mak...

Better than GPT-4 for SQL queries: NSQL

  Raise your hand if you have tried to use ChatGPT or any of the other LLMs to generate SQL queries. I have, and I currently am! but I am thrilled to share with you that a new family of open-source large foundation models (FMs) designed specifically for SQL generation tasks has been released...

Transformer Architectures and the Rise of BERT, GPT, and T5: A Beginner’s Guide

In the vast and ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence (AI), there are innovations that don’t just make a mark; they redefine the trajectory of the entire domain. Among these groundbreaking innovations, the Transformer architecture emerges as a beacon of change. It’s akin to the ...

End to End ML with GPT-3.5

A lot of repetitive boilerplate code exists in the model development phase of any machine learning application. Popular libraries such as PyTorch Lightning have been created to standardize the operations performed when training/evaluating neural networks, leading to much cleaner code. Howe...

GPT-4: 8 Models in One ; The Secret is Out

The GPT4 model has been THE groundbreaking model so far, available to the general public either for free or through their commercial portal (for public beta use). It has worked wonders in igniting new project ideas and use-cases for many entrepreneurs but the secrecy about the number of parameters a...

A comprehensive and hands-on guide to autonomous agents with GPT

Every time I think the pace of advancement in GPT is fast, it gets even faster. In the past month, the concept of GPT/LLM-backed autonomous agents is getting wild — with AutoGPT, the most famous project in this area, getting over 117K stars on GitHub in less than a month since its release and ...

10 Exciting Project Ideas Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for Your Portfolio

One common piece of advice I often hear for job applicants is to have a portfolio showcasing your work. This doesn't only apply to artists or models but also to software developers and data scientists. A portfolio of your projects acts as public evidence of your skills. This public evidence c...

How GPT works: A Metaphoric Explanation of Key, Value, Query in Attention, using a Tale of Potion

The backbone of ChatGPT is the GPT model, which is built using the Transformer architecture. The backbone of Transformer is the Attention mechanism. The hardest concept to grok in Attention for many is Key, Value, and Query. In this post, I will use an analogy of potion to i...

(k)Bot: A 401(k) Specialist AI Assistant built with no-code using Zapier and GPT-4

The seeds of (k)Bot were sown during an early access program launched by Zapier Interfaces. Known for their innovative and collaborative approach, they introduced a feature that enabled the integration of an external data source with a chatbot. This was a game-changing development, opening new possi...

Chat GPT Shows Its Favorite Religion

Jokes about anything can be offensive. We are not supposed to tell racist or homophobic jokes, for example. Even so, some things are fine to joke about. I wanted to see where Chat GPT stood on this. I was inspired by a Facebook post that showed it telling jokes about Christians but not about Musl...

Chat GPT for contract drafting: AI v. templates

Chat GPT landed back at the end of 2022 from a company called Open AI. If you have not yet had a play around with it, you can do so here. It’s a very impressive tool indeed. You can ask it a question and receive seemingly magic results. Ask it to write a song in the style of James Blunt, ...

How Much do Large Language Models Like GPT Cost?

We recently wrote an article about Using Multi-LLM Systems for Investigations and Ediscovery: Fast, Flexible and Cost-Effective. One of the reasons we chose this path is because different large language models, e.g. GPT and Claude are better for different purposes. As we pointed out, using diff...

AI & GPT for Entrepreneur’s Legal Documents

Hello, fellow entrepreneurs! Have you ever felt overwhelmed handling the constant barrage of contracts and legal documents to operate your business? You’re not alone. Interesting fact, the average liability suit costs upwards of $54,000 for small businesses! [Zebra] So, those intimidating...

AIS & GPT: Expanding Seven Basic Concepts within Marine Navigation

Longitude is the angle measured eastward or westward from 0° near Greenwich, England through 180°. It’s designated as east (+) or west (-) to indicate the direction of measurement. Longitude is typically expressed as degrees and minutes, for example the longitude of San Francisco is 12...

30 GPT Prompts To Make You Pro in Statistics (Tried and Tested)

In data science, statistics is the backbone that helps us make sense of information. We use it to uncover patterns, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions from data. The traditional way of self-learning statistics was a bit painful, you could read books, blogs, or go through the videos but...