Apple Is Silently Investing Billions In Something Dubbed Apple GPT

<p>Apple is up to something.</p> <p>The next one more thing.</p> <p>Billions are silently being funneled into generative AI.</p> <p>Why should you care?</p> <p>Because what is about to come is probably the tech equivalent of discovering a new planet. Let&rsquo;s dig in.</p> <h1>The billion-Dollar bet on generative AI</h1> <p>$22.6 billion.</p> <p>Picture it.</p> <p>A stack of one-dollar bills reaching 1,534 miles high &mdash; almost the distance from San Francisco to Dallas. Laid end-to-end, they&rsquo;d circle Earth 88 times.</p> <p>According to Tim Cook, a significant portion is allocated to AI technologies, including generative AI.</p> <p>But here&rsquo;s an interesting tidbit: Apple&rsquo;s R&amp;D budget saw a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">$3 billion</a>&nbsp;increase this year alone. While this could signal a variety of initiatives, it&rsquo;s clear that AI is a priority.</p> <p>Unlike some tech giants &mdash; Google, Meta, Microsoft, to name a few &mdash; Apple takes a more reserved approach. Tim Cook mentioned that Apple prefers to &ldquo;announce things as they come to market,&rdquo; keeping their cards close to their chest.</p> <p>Now, for some intriguing developments. Apple has been working on an internal chatbot, tentatively referred to as &ldquo;Apple GPT.&rdquo;</p> <p>Obviously, it will have some seamless Apple-ly name, like a Siri Plus or Apple Assist but for now, let&#39;s call it Apple GPT.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>
Tags: Apple GPT