GPT-4: 8 Models in One ; The Secret is Out

<p>The GPT4 model has been THE groundbreaking model so far, available to the general public either for free or through their commercial portal (for public beta use). It has worked wonders in igniting new project ideas and use-cases for many entrepreneurs but the secrecy about the number of parameters and the model was killing all enthusiasts who were betting on the first 1 trillion parameter model to 100 trillion parameter claims!</p> <h1>The cat is out of the bag</h1> <p>Well, the cat is out of the bag (Sort of). On June 20th,&nbsp;George Hotz, founder of self-driving startup leaked that GPT-4 isn&rsquo;t a single monolithic dense model (like GPT-3 and GPT-3.5) but a mixture of 8 x 220-billion-parameter models.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>