30 GPT Prompts To Make You Pro in Statistics (Tried and Tested)

<p>In data science, statistics is the backbone that helps us make sense of information. We use it to uncover patterns, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions from data.</p> <p>The traditional way of self-learning statistics was a bit painful, you could read books, blogs, or go through the videos but had no one to clear your doubts, but now we have ChatGPT &mdash; which can act as a personalized tutor and clear all your doubts.</p> <p>If you can figure out the right way of prompting and know the right sequence of topics you need to learn then your personalized tutor is ready.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/30-gpt-prompts-to-make-you-pro-in-statistics-tried-and-tested-927c868144fa"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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