A comprehensive and hands-on guide to autonomous agents with GPT
<p>Every time I think the pace of advancement in GPT is fast, it gets even faster. In the past month, the concept of GPT/LLM-backed autonomous agents is getting wild — with AutoGPT, the most famous project in this area, getting over 117K stars on GitHub in less than a month since its release and getting unprecedented social media coverage. Many other projects like BabyAGI, AgentGPT, and Stanford’s version of “Westworld” are also getting frequent features in the news. These agents are highly intelligent and they can complete complicated tasks with their own thinking and reasoning.</p>
<p>All these projects build on the idea of <strong>generative</strong> <strong>autonomous agents</strong>. Are you curious about how autonomous agents like AutoGPT work under the hood? You’re at the right place — in this article, I will provide a <strong><em>comprehensive overview of autonomous agents, including what they are, how they work, what they can do, their implications for businesses and workers, and even a hands-on tutorial on how to build a simple autonomous agent</em></strong>. After reading this, you’ll get a much better understanding of them and how they might transform the world around you.</p>
<p>Don’t worry if you’re not technical and don’t know how to write code, I will explain the concepts in simple language. If you’re ready, let’s dive in!</p>
<h1>What are autonomous agents?</h1>
<p>Some examples of autonomous agents include AutoGPT, BabyAGI, and Interactive Simulacra by Stanford. AutoGPT uses GPT-4 as the underlying thinking engine to autonomously achieve a set of goals that the user sets. Once the goal is set, it will break down the tasks, plan actions, gather information online or use external tools, and iteratively re-evaluate and adjust the actions until the goals are achieved [11]. BabyAGI is a similar but much smaller project that tries to accomplish a similar process to help the user achieve their goals</p>
<p><a href="https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/a-comprehensive-and-hands-on-guide-to-autonomous-agents-with-gpt-b58d54724d50">Click Here</a></p>