Your Fate in Robopsychologists’ Hands

<p>Once upon a time, humans gazed at the stars and pondered what existed beyond our planet&rsquo;s borders. Now, as we peer into the digital universe, we find ourselves asking a similar question: what mysteries lie within the depths of artificial intelligence&hellip; and what dangers?</p> <h1><strong>The key to understanding AI</strong></h1> <p>Do you recall the days when AI existed only in science fiction novels, a figment of our collective imagination? Those days before Siri and Alexa became indispensable household companions? Today, the landscape of AI has transformed entirely, as generative models like GPT-4 take centre stage. However, with great power comes great responsibility &mdash; and that&rsquo;s where robopsychology enters the picture.</p> <h1><strong>The danger in the deep</strong></h1> <p><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Large Language Models</a>&nbsp;(LLM) like GPT have been trained on data from the internet. This means that they come with all the flaws of humans built-in.</p> <p>Bias and discrimination, embedded in centuries of documents, form part of AI training. Biassed algorithms discriminate against certain groups of people, perpetuating and exacerbating social inequalities. Rapid AI adoption could lead to widespread job displacement, causing economic turmoil and societal unrest. AI-powered surveillance technologies could invade personal privacy, stripping individuals of their autonomy and anonymity.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>