Tag: gender

What gender transition looks like for me

Its funny when you read people’s assumption about gender transition, as if every trans person goes through the same process, same journey, or has the same outcomes. No trans people are the same, and the paths we walk are as unique as we are. What we all share is a general incongruence with our...

What gender transition looks like for me

Its funny when you read people’s assumption about gender transition, as if every trans person goes through the same process, same journey, or has the same outcomes. No trans people are the same, and the paths we walk are as unique as we are. What we all share is a general incongruence with our...

The gender pay gap is designed into our culture; here’s how we can design it out

More than 50 years since the passing of the 1970 Equal Pay Act, labour performed by women continues to be undervalued in the UK (Giapponi and Mcevoy, 2005; Bornstein, 2018; Yearby, 2019). Even when controlling for factors such as experience and contract type, one study found an unexplained gender pa...

From NYC to Buenos Aires: Working Together Across Borders to Achieve Gender Equality

Across the globe, nations strive to combat inequality in numerous ways and to varying degrees. Most often, however, those of us who reside in urban centers recognize that cities have a leadership role to play in this fight for equity — as 55% of the world’s population resides in urban ce...

Spain’s gender violence epidemic: What the hell is happening?

The Christmas lotto draw sends Spaniards into a frenzy. In Summer many buy tickets, or decimos, on vacation — you’d never know where the luck could land. Some spend hundreds of Euros. The December 22nd draw is surreal: school children with shrill voices sing out numbers and cash amo...

AI-Powered Crab Gender Identification: Revolutionizing Fishery Management and Conservation

When winter comes to Japan, fishermen in the northern regions set out to capture one of the most anticipated seasonal delicacies: the horsehair crab. Known locally as “kegani” and bearing the scientific name Erimacrus isenbeckii, this species of crustacean is highly sought after thr...

Why Can’t Dad Cook? Questioning Gender Norms in My Family

After she passed, Mom had to take full responsibility for us. She keeps doing her best job every day. How she handles work and home is beyond me. One thing always used to bug me: if both of my parents are working, why is it that my mom has to take care of the home from cleaning the dishes to getting...

Behind the scene of gender bias

Being at home is frustrating: I clean but the only thing seen is the remaining filth, I tidy up but the only thing seen is the remaining mess, I cook but the only thing mentioned is what’s missing or what went wrong, I organise but the only thing seen is the leftover chaotic part, I do groceri...

Female AI Voices in Tech: Bridging the gender gap in voice technology

Face it, the world of voice assistants is the inverse of an action movie — predominantly female. From Amazon’s Alexa to Google’s Assistant, these digital helpers embody more than just code and algorithms. They mirror a societal norm, subtly echoing the gender gap that exists in tec...

Estimating the Gender Ratio of AI Researchers Around the World

Anyone in the industry or going to prominent Artificial Intelligence conferences can tell you that a gender imbalance exists, but we felt more rigorous research was important to drive the conversation forward and accelerate correcting this imbalance. As a follow up to The Global AI Talent Pool ...

Gender critical believers

When Maya Forstater won her right to have her personal beliefs about sex recognised by the UK courts, she proclaimed it as a moral victory of sex over gender ideology. That she ended up in court in part because she was part of a private group chat where she exhibited transphobic views often gets los...

The Top 10 Gender Equality Insights Unveiled This Year

Alright, folks, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what’s been shaking up the world of gender equality this year. But before we get all serious, let me take you on a little trip down memory lane. Insight 1: The Power of Solidarity Picture this: I was at a women’s march, surr...

The Top 8 Gender Equality Insights Unveiled This Year

Ooph, what a year it’s been. And as we’re nearing its end, I wanted to pause and look back at some of the things that went right in 2023. Specifically, all the scientific developments, discoveries, and inventions that brought us a bit closer to achieving gender equal...

Yet Another Discovery Upends The Myth of Prehistoric Gender Roles

‘The silent past has been made to speak,’ wrote Irish archaeologist Hodder Michael Westropp in 1872, at the height of the Victorian era, enthralled by the developments in a brand new science: archaeology. Yup, our vision of human prehistory — the time before written re...

How Gender Bias Continues To Distort Our Perception of Women

Women’s sports just aren’t as entertaining as men’s. Or at least that’s what’s commonly said to justify a pay and media coverage gap between the two. And it’s physical differences and prejudices about women’s athletic inferiority that ...

The language of the gender critical movement: recycled homophobia and sexism.

The language of the gender-critical movement is recycled sexism and homophobia. I’ll explain why, giving examples from my recent experiences on X and the historical use of some of the words used. Over the weekend, someone I had blocked on X (formerly Twitter) posted my profile picture and b...

Holding Space for the Gender Journey

My then 12-year old was at her biological dad’s house, so I wasn’t surprised to see my phone light up. A texts me often, for everything from emotional support to a list of personal hygiene items to buy to sending me photos of the cats. But this was different. It took me a while to rea...

Coming Out Story As Gender-Fluid

18years old, standing in line to go for weight in before a boxing fight. Many fighters are staring. How can that person who’s bald and dressed in guys clothes be in the line for women? They probably wondered. I wondered if it would be less painful if I changed the line. But it would be m...

I’m Not Against Gender Pronouns But

A couple of years ago, I moved to Europe from the Middle East. I started to travel and met great people on the road. Some of them introduced themselves with their pronouns and I always tried to respect that. One time I was hanging out with a group of British friends that I recently met. I referre...

Your Firsts Were My Firsts

Immediately I was plunged into the deep end as my child began discussing their gender identity in detail and at length. I was still reeling, trying to find my footing, the first time my son ever uttered the word ‘hormones.’ I am what I guess many would call a “crunchy mom.&rdquo...

How Parents Can Fight ‘Rapid Onset Gender Conformity’ (ROGC)

Parents today know the signs and feel the familiar sense of dread: your child, who has been a happy little girls who likes herself suddenly hates her face, her hair, and her body. She starts wearing too much make-up, worrying endlessly about her looks, trying dozens of diets, and wearing either d...

Advocating for Gender-Affirming Care in Prisons

The intersection of gender identity and the criminal justice system presents unique challenges, especially concerning the provision of gender-affirming care in prisons. While strides have been made in recognizing the rights and needs of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals, there r...

Gender Transition within a Transition

Along the way down my gender path, I often considered each change to be the final transition I would ever need to suffer through. I was wrong and it turned out a few of my transitions were pleasant, some not so much. Perhaps I should refer to my many changes more than just transitions within my g...

This Is What Gender-Affirming Care Looks Like

If you believe those against gender-affirming care, doctors are forcing children to change their sex against their will, and schools are attempting to breed a new species that is completely devoid of gender. If you listen to those advocating for gender-affirming care, they proclaim that without t...

Gender Desire vs. Gender Identity

It’s difficult because buried inside that question is an assumption — that I somehow knew I was a woman and transitioned so I could live according to that identity. But that isn’t always true. I, like so many other trans people, grew up experiencing gender not as an identity so muc...

On the Regulation of Gender, Sexuality, and Individual Liberty in Red States

You didn’t want to know anything more about Matt Walsh’s sophomoric prank masquerading as a documentary,¹ What is a Woman? But I read the book² by the same title over the holiday break and, as a transgender woman, I thought this might be as good a time as any to have ...

How Parents Can Fight ‘Rapid Onset Gender Conformity’ (ROGC)

Parents today know the signs and feel the familiar sense of dread: your child, who has been a happy little girls who likes herself suddenly hates her face, her hair, and her body. She starts wearing too much make-up, worrying endlessly about her looks, trying dozens of diets, and wearing either d...

The Fluid Philosophy of Vrilism: Embracing the Spectrum of Gender Identities

Vrilism is a contemporary spiritual tradition centered on alignment with one’s inner truth and full authentic self-expression. At its philosophical core, Vrilism emphasizes the fluidity and boundless diversity of human identity, particularly gender identity. Vrilists believe that jus...

As a Therapist, I’ve Worked With Tweens and Teens With Gender Dysphoria and This Is What I Learned

There still isn’t enough research, but fortunately the most recent valid research doesn’t consider transgender children as coming from a place of pathology or from pathological environments. In this article, I’ll be sharing about my experiences as a clinician as well a...

Tweak SC Gender Reassignment Procedures Bill

I am a young LGBTQ+ Democrat, but I am strongly opposed to the idea of minors receiving gender-transition surgeries. That is why I support the majority of the language in the Gender Reassignment Procedures bill, H.4624, which was recently pre-filed by some Republican lawmakers. But I cannot su...

No, Dr Money did not invent gender

“Gender is a pseudoscientific category invented by a pedophile and a fraud who drove two of his patients to suicide” (tweet) “John Money, the father of “gender identity”. He was a pedophile advocate and performed messed up experiments on children” (tweet) &ldquo...

Gender Euphoria

When I consider the balance of my gender life , I sometimes try to break down the amount of time I felt dealing with my gender dysphoria versus the rarer moments of gender euphoria. In my down times of dealing with my gender issues, euphoria for whatever reason kept me going. Similar to so many o...

Men are from Where?

As we attempt to cross the gender border from one side to the other, we certainly suffer from a lack of much training at all. Which brings up the basic question of which gender planet we trans folk came from to begin with. Before we get there, we need to look at how we arrived at where we are. Mo...

I Was First in New Mexico To Select Gender X, Then I Changed My Mind

I shouted at my mother, “Of course, little girls can have a penis! I have one!” She had just told me I couldn’t be a girl. I was three, and this was 1965. Mama told me later I upset her so badly that she went to a counselor for advice. He said it was just a phase I’d get o...

What is gender dysphoria anyway? (And who decided it had to be a thing?)

I introduced gender dysphoria in a previous article, “Body Positivity Whilst Trans”, as a fundamental feeling of discomfort with your body that can’t simply be willed away through positive thinking. I also mentioned in that article not understanding at first that I did ex...

Feminism’s Unsung Achievements: Advancing Gender Equality

Throughout history, the feminist movement has driven numerous advancements in women’s rights, legal protections, and the push for gender equality. However, many of these triumphs remain unrecognized or underappreciated. Due to this, I want to shine a light on the significant yet often unsung a...

Unraveling the Gender Politics of Pockets

Asa professional sewer and maker, I contemplate clothing accessories more often than most people. But until researching the history of pickpocketing (don’t ask!), I had no idea how much the evolution of women’s pockets paralleled the cultural and legal sexism of the times. As authors ...

Why We Love Baba Bulleh Shah As a Feminist? A Mystic’s Story of Class and Gender struggle.

“The first class oppression coincides with that of the female sex by the male,” (Friedrich Engels, Origin of the Family) Was it with a purpose to bring attention to the plight of women, or a concealed struggle for lifting the expressions in the indigenous languages? Why Baba Bulleh Sh...

Humans Don’t Have Lanes, But Race and Gender Cops Want Us to Stay in Them

At the top of the list of identitarian contradictions is the belief that race and gender are social constructs, but we all must stay in the lanes for our race and gender. They are right about their premise—for as long as the ideas of race and gender have existed, people have pointed out the...

Intersection of Gender and Race: Asian American Women who prefer White Men

Pyke’s study focused on 128, “unmarried, heterosexual second-generation Korean and Vietnamese American women.” (Ferguson, p. 306) Pyke raises two questions in regards to resistance and complicity. Are Asian American women who prefer white men in “compliance with white (male) ...

Asian American Gender Politics in Media

This past August, murder charges were dropped against Martunovich, as the judge in charge of the case found him mentally unstable. At the height of tensions over anti-Asian racism, this ruling seemed to be a slap in the face to the Asian American community. Only curiously enough, Asian Americans jou...

Gender and hobbies: What value do we, and society, place on how we spend our free time?

When I met my now fiance, his passions for music intrigued me. I had attempted to learn a couple of instruments in my youth but none of them stuck so to speak. This despite music being one of the greatest joys in my life. This man could play any instrument, guitar, bass, drums, and even the ocarina....

Exploring Gender Performativity

Gender performativity is the interpretation that gender is the product of “internalized” societal values that have accumulated into hetero-normative and essentialist sets of ideals throughout history. Therefore, it is debated that gender is merely a performance of these internalized cult...

YouTube Gender Wars / Brutal Realities-Honest Truths

They date “down” until they can afford their dream woman. Capitalism is sexy! In the games that men play with other men, competition, with big egos, men want beauty and have been so clear about this it is see through at this point. “Trophy wife” is a real thing -the pre...

The Great Gender Reversal of 2043

In the city of Roleverse, a peculiar phenomenon had taken root. A quirky scientist, Dr. R. Oleflip, had invented a device called the ‘Gender Bender 9000’. With one flick of a switch, anyone could experience life in the opposite gender’s shoes. As you’d expect, Roleverse becam...

Why Are We Still Splitting Into Gender Groups When Socialising?

Wanting to be “one of the boys” can be often misunderstood. It can also mean different things to different people. For me, I’ve always enjoyed the conservational vibe of a group of guys: who’s not playing well in the AFL at the moment, what holidays are planned over the co...

In Patriarchy, Where Are the Good Men?

Recently I had a guest speaker come to class: a Fulbright scholar from Pakistan who specializes in sociological gender studies. I asked her to speak about the impact of economic changes on family life and gender norms. She shared that as industrialization and globalization shape Pakistani society, g...

Unraveling the Gender Politics of Pockets

Asa professional sewer and maker, I contemplate clothing accessories more often than most people. But until researching the history of pickpocketing (don’t ask!), I had no idea how much the evolution of women’s pockets paralleled the cultural and legal sexism of the times. As authors ...

The New Romantics — A subculture that questioned gender.

Fashion and art are a reflection of society. They communicate the issues, expectations, and lifestyles of people at a particular time. Similarly, studying a short-lived or long-lived subculture allows us to compare and analyze the fabrication of society and struggles, then and now. One of such hi...

Beauty and Gender Identity, Exploring Non-Binary and Gender-Fluid Perspectives: Make Up is For Everyone

In the ever-evolving landscape of beauty, traditional ideals have long marginalized those diverging from binary gender norms. However, a notable shift towards inclusivity has emerged, embracing the diverse spectrum of non-binary and gender-fluid individuals. This transformative outlook views makeup ...

A Dingbat Guide to Noun Gender in German

One day a guy told me that to remember that Käse is masculine, I should view in my minds eye an image of Superman (or whatever) that I very much associated with ‘masculine’. “Hmmm, OK. So how would that work?” “OK, so imagine Superman flying through the air c...

Gender Neutral: Aunt/Uncle

For the most part, English can be spoken and written without references gender, although there are cases where it sounds stiff. “Spouse” can replace “husband” and “wife”; “sibling” can replace “brother” and “sister”. There ar...