Men are from Where?

<p>As we attempt to cross the gender border from one side to the other, we certainly suffer from a lack of much training at all. Which brings up the basic question of which gender planet we trans folk came from to begin with. Before we get there, we need to look at how we arrived at where we are.</p> <p>Most of us didn&rsquo;t have the benefit of having an understanding mother or sister who participated in our progression into the feminine world. We never were able to indulge in girls only sleepovers where clothes, makeup and other girls activities were discussed and acted upon. Thus, when we actually began to have the chance to live in the world we always dreamed of, we had no idea of how to do it. The only ideas we had were from the outside looking in.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: gender Border