Tag: Forget

Forgive and Forget

Forgive and forget —once, I thought it was impossible. My belief was to forgive, yes, but never to forget. It seemed like the wise thing to do. However, as time passed, I came to realize that this perspective was somewhat naive. How could I forgive How could I truly forgive if I didn&...

How Hard Is It To Forgive & Forget?

I didn’t plan to write today, but something is on my mind. Maybe sharing with you will help. Maybe not. I’ll write either way and hope it makes sense after reading it in two days. How hard is it to forgive and forget? That was the question that rocked my mind after service on Sunda...

What Leaders Forget About Balance

As leaders, we are always aware that we have finite resources and infinite milestones** we can set. Sometimes, milestones are dictated by the business; other times, we set them in hopes of getting ahead of the business. We know inherently that our job is to achieve a balance between finite resources...

90s Kids, Raise Your Hands! Here Are Some Things We’ll Never Forget

The 90s. A decade when our biggest concern was ensuring our Tamagotchis stayed alive and deciding if we were Team Backstreet Boys or Team *NSYNC. Back when the Internet was in its infancy, and we were more concerned about being kicked off AOL because someone picked up the landline. Here’s...

Forget Consoles — Nintendo’s IP is its True Power-Up

Nintendo’s record Q1 profits driven by The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and The Super Mario Bros. Movie showcase the power of maximizing intellectual property (IP) across mediums. While many companies focus on building new IPs, Nintendo continues to extract valu...

Barcelona’s Stunning Upset: A Night to Forget

The Clash of Titans Before we get to the heart of the matter, let’s set the stage. Barcelona, a name synonymous with football excellence, was pitted against Shakhtar Donetsk, a team often underestimated in the Champions League. This clash had the makings of a classic David vs. Goliath showd...

To Forget the Pain is to Forget the Love

The documentary “We Were Here” about the AIDS crisis and the response of the LGBT community in San Francisco brought back memories. Memories that were forgotten, perhaps repressed, returned. What horrible, wonderful times they were. They were horrible with the deaths and loss of friends,...

Forget Authenticity There’s a New Truth

In the real estate business you come in contact with people who otherwise you’d probably never encounter. Herman was a nice enough guy when I showed him the apartment during an open house in the summer of 2010. Out of the eight or ten people who saw the place, Herman was the only prospect w...