Tag: fall

A visit cut short by an unfortunate fall.

“I am here, please don’t tell your mom, it’s a surprise”, this is the conversation I had yesterday early evening with my friend’s daughter. It was her birthday, she was in the city with her daughter and I wanted to surprise her with flowers and a visit. She asked me to ...

Harvest Fall Farming Game | Devlog #4 — Major Issues!!

I’ve recently been having an issue with the tools I’m using. For example I chose trusty Visual Studio Code as my code editor of choice but I’m using the Babylon.js framework, which I had no problem installing but running applications written using the framework in VS Code is seriou...

Vampire’s Fall: Origins is a de-fanged grind that will suck your patience and time

VF:O is a 2D open world RPG with tactical combat, set in a medieval fantasy world inhabited by the usual assortment of humanoids, beasts, specters and undead. VF:O’s open world layout is reminiscent of the original Fallout games (not the bastardized Bethesda monstrosities). Your character can ...

How to fall in love with a city

It carries you to the beautiful castle that you’ve built in your mind; My Brave New Life engraved at the gate. There, you’ve meticulously planned each chamber. The Flat & Neighbourhood chamber, which you’re going to love. The Workplace chamber, which you’re goin...

Civilization’s Fall May Not Be the End, But It Will Be a Hard New Beginning

There are many people out there that don’t believe me when I talk about the fall of our civilization coming so soon. I can understand that. They may be in denial. They may not have drilled down for the information needed to come to that conclusion yet. They may suspect there are terrible thing...

Does Climate Change Mean the End of the Fall Marathon?

The runners who woke up Sunday morning to this surprise notification were understandably upset. And a lot could be said about how the organizers handled the situation. But in discussions around the situation, a certain idea kept bubbling up. With climate change, extreme weather is becoming more c...

Fall Allergies? Don’t Blame the Goldenrod

Autumn is a fantastic time of year. The temperature and humidity have eased off, inviting me to spend more time outside. My walks around the countryside no longer drain all my energy, and the scenery is priceless. The late summer/autumn blossoms from volunteer asters, sunflowers, and goldenrods brig...

The Rise and Fall of ‘Mentally Retarded’

In1910, the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons adopted three classifications of people we know today as intellectually disabled, as defined by a newly invented way to measure intelligence we now call the IQ test. “Morons” were t...

Decline and Fall and

Iwalked to the Vatican Museum, the night I landed in Rome. I don’t know why it was my first stop. Given who I am — gay, trans, ex-Catholic, never not mad at the Pope, etc. — I felt a little like Captain Ahab making a visit to the Museum of Whales. Maybe that was the point. For m...

Top 5 Ways to Make an Aries Fall in Love With You

This article will be a continuation of my previous one which sort of covered the Aries’ basics and what are they like in a relationship. Now I am going to explain what you need to know in order to get that very special Aries to fall in love with you. Disclaimer: These tips will on...

Understanding Premises Liability: Miami Slip and Fall Lawyer Insights

When it comes to personal injury cases, one of the most common incidents that individuals may find themselves involved in is a slip and fall accident. These accidents can occur anywhere – from grocery stores and shopping malls to restaurants and sidewalks. If you or someone you know has ex...

Why Your Body Sometimes Jerks As You Fall Asleep

Ahh… sleep. How nice. You turn off the lights. You close your weary eyes. You sigh. You relax. Your breathing slows down. Your mind begins to wander off, fading into the nightly oblivion. Then… You stumble, trip, fall. Your body jolts. Your leg kicks. Your heart pounds. Huh? What...

The Rise and Fall of Quiksilver

I have been a fan of Quiksilver clothing for a long time now. The famous logo of a cresting wave and snow-capped mountain appealed to me, although I am not a surfer. The brand evolved into a billion-dollar company in the early 2000s, broke the 2-billion-dollar mark in 2007, but then suffered declini...

The Rise and Fall of Billabong

We can trace Billabong back to 1973, when Gordon and Rena Merchant started sowing and selling board shorts in the Gold Coast of Australia. Billabong is an actual word that means some kind of oasis. They coupled the word with a wave design to form their iconic logo. The first few years in business, t...