Tag: Faith

Navigating Through Life’s Deserts with Faith as the Compass

We don’t get through this life without experiencing time in the desert, struggles with ourself, others or the world. I’ve never known anyone who hasn’t had their time out there. Hot, sandy, desolate terrain with scant shade from the brutal, relentless elements. When wandering th...

It All Comes Down to Faith, Hope, and Love

Over the last four years, I have had the joy and privilege of coming alongside the PACE Faith In/And Democracy Learning Community to tell the stories of some remarkable grantees, and share insights regarding what we have learned along the way. This community has been an inspiration to...

How I Better My Relationship With God With Five Faith Practices

I know why you clicked on this blog post. Your relationship with God isn’t where you want it to be. You want to be as close to God as the saints were. You want your connection with him to be as strong as the genuine Christian leaders you see on social media and YouTube. But you fee...

Five Easy Faith Ways I Remove Evil Things from My Life

I understand your pain. Having to go through tough challenges or battle serious sicknesses, but you know it’s hopeless. My mother’s aunt recently passed away. Her sickness came out of nowhere, and in an instant, it took her. My mother was devastated. But it broke me more b...

A ‘Bad Christian’s’ Guide to a Genuine Faith

When looking for ideas for my list, I turned to Google (where else does one look?) for inspiration. I typed into the search bar: “New Year’s Resolutions for Christians.” This was a bad idea. The problem is that the shadow of my former life as an evangelical Christian still li...

Three Powerful Faith Things That Make Me Excited For Every Day

There it is again. You’ve just woken up and want to get ready for your day. But there is a dread you feel. You know how lonely you’ll be throughout the day. You don’t look forward to today as like every other day. You wish you lived in a world where you didn’t ...

Finding Deeper Faith Amidst Doubt and Disillusionment

I have a confession to make. I have lost my faith in the Church, and I’m not the only one. In the USA, around three and a half thousand believers walk away from the Christian church every single day. According to the online publication The Christian Century, in the USA, an average of n...

When faith becomes delusion

A week ago I was talking to a family member that still goes to these modern Evangelical churches and I was commenting on how, in the past, people believed that certain leaders, after they passed away, were exalted to the point of being worshipped as God. She though it was so silly of them… ...

A Letter to the Church from the Margins of Faith, Gender, & Sexuality

Greetings from our small corner of the world. I am writing this letter with a degree of uncertainty and anxiety. Most attempts I have made around these topics in the past have not been well received, often met with excuses, hostility, and worst of all, indifference. So, for me, writing this is an ac...

Women & Faith: View of Menstruation in Sanatan Dharma

In India, precisely in Hindu society, before the wave of digital feminism, one could routinely observe menstruating women practising one or the other kind of restrictions and some notion of impurity being attached to menstruation. This is mostly observed in the rural provinces, as well as in uber-mo...

Revival through Faith

The year 2023 unfolded as a testament to the transformative power of my faith, etched with the ink of resilience and spiritual rebirth. My defining moment emerged from the shadows of a tragic accident where, for a fleeting instant, my earthly self was suspended in the balance between life and death....

Having Enough Faith to Question

Back around the turn of the century, I wrote an article for Adbusters called “The Sabbath Revolt.” I was arguing for a “one-seventh rule” where we reserve one day a week for non-commodified activities. This idea of a day off each week was one of the first things the Israelite...

Vayera — The Contradictions of Faith and Reason

I’d like to start with two quotes from famous American authors. The first is from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” The second from Walt Whitman, “Do I contradict myself? / Very well then I contradict myself, / (I am large, I conta...

Pastor Says People In Wheelchairs Don’t Have Enough Faith

I’ve heard some dumb stuff preached from the pulpit in my time, but this just about takes the cake. If you happen to be a person with a physical disability, then look away now. Because, according to hardcore fundamentalist preacher “Pastor” Greg Locke, people who have some kind ...

Faith in Flux: Christianity’s Crossroads

Navigating the intersection of tradition and progressivism in Christianity, particularly concerning the divisive issue of same-sex marriage and LGBTQ inclusion, is a complex and deeply rooted topic within the faith. The historical context of Christianity’s views on these issues and the current...

What Comes After Blind Faith?

Antoine continued his journey through the outskirts of the city and came across another group of men. This group was deeply engaged in a serious discussion. Curious about their perspectives, he cautiously approached them. One of the men, with a determined look, noticed Antoine’s presence an...

Not Faith Nor Fear

Our evolutionary process spans over 6 million years. The earliest defining human trait is bipedalism, 4 million years ago. The greatest evolutionary leaps- a large complex brain, capacity for language, symbolic expression- occurred only in the last 100 thousand years. Language occurred in the las...

Republicans Keep Talking About Low Faith in Our Institutions

Everywhere you go, they are carrying on about how “weak our institutions are.” They talk loudly in lines, not as much as they used to, but you can still hear their snide remarks. They are constantly posting about it. Like-minded Trumpists will signal each other with comments like, &ldquo...

The rise of political faith based science

I just drove by a sign in my hometown, it says, “I believe in science”. As someone who has three technical degrees, so do I. But I don’t believe in political faith based science. Faith based science has nothing to do with a higher being, nothing to do with a bible, its a faith b...

Big Bang: Faith of Fiction?

Then, Science said, “Let us make life for no particular reason, and in total chaos, and make evolution as a side process.” And it was so… Science, Biology, and Physics looked at everything they had created and said, “Let us make Mankind out of the blob, and let him be as ...

Why your doctor hates faith healers.

We all know doctors are in it for the money. Here in America, it costs more than a house to complete the education one needs just to legally prescribe a baby aspirin. Many start their career with some six figures of debt, working 50-100 hours a week, because they are so greedy. In a loosely reg...

Nurturing Faith, Healing Creatures: The Journey of Women of Faith in Veterinary Medicine

In the captivating world of veterinary medicine, where every patient’s wagging tail or purring affection serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings, women of faith are carving out a path illuminated by compassion, empathy, and unwavering dedication. As they embark on t...

Between Traditions and The Christian Faith:

Christianity is a practice belief system — of faith in the heart acted out in daily life. So the Christian is known not just for professing faith in Christ and his work of atonement, but also for the outworking of his faith in character and relationship to others. Jesus says, “You wil...

Faith Leads to Victory in Defeat

Write   1   Get unlimited access to the best of Medium for less than $1/week. Become a member   Faith Leads to Victory in Defeat Shashi Dubey · Follow 3 min read · Sep 20, 2020   7       ...