Navigating Through Life’s Deserts with Faith as the Compass

<p>We don&rsquo;t get through this life without experiencing time in the desert, struggles with ourself, others or the world. I&rsquo;ve never known anyone who hasn&rsquo;t had their time out there.</p> <p>Hot, sandy, desolate terrain with scant shade from the brutal, relentless elements. When wandering through those times, soul crushing loneliness dogs the soul, the thirst for relief grows with each passing moment. When at last, the promise of relief appears, even a mirage, brings hope and a reminder, time in the desert is not forever.</p> <p>During my life&rsquo;s challenges and trials I certainly learned how time in the desert could eat at my most basic sense of living. It gave me understanding and awareness just how much it can tear at the soul. Why some give up before they see even the faintest hint of hope.</p> <p>In the biblical story of Christ in the wilderness, he endured endless taunting from Satan. He got through those fourty days with faith and certainty it would end.</p> <p>It is in the hint of hope, even when it&rsquo;s a mirage, the mind clears enough to also start to see a path ahead. When we lose faith that hope can be found, we hit a bottom that is hard to bounce off of. Faith is important. With faith we&rsquo;ll seek even the slightest glimmer of hope.</p> <p>Finding that glimmer helps us move forward. There still may be a journey to exit the desert but we&rsquo;ll have certain faith, the exit is out there, just keep moving. It&rsquo;s true, where attention goes, energy will lead the way.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Faith Compass