Pastor Says People In Wheelchairs Don’t Have Enough Faith
<p>I’ve heard some dumb stuff preached from the pulpit in my time, but this just about takes the cake.</p>
<p>If you happen to be a person with a physical disability, then look away now. Because, according to hardcore fundamentalist preacher “Pastor” Greg Locke, people who have some kind of handicap only have themselves to blame. And that’s because God would have healed them already if they only had enough faith. Yes, “Pastor” Greg reckons is their own fault.</p>
<p>The more observant among you will have noticed that whenever I refer to “Pastor” Greg Locke, I put the term “Pastor” in inverted commas. The reason for that is fairly simple. He might call himself a “Pastor,” but there’s nothing pastoral about the attitudes and teachings he espouses.</p>
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