Tag: Environment

Data Security with Environment Variables and Code Modularization.

There is a need to be security cautious about our data and the information we transfer across the internet given the rise in cyberspace vulnerability. In my most recent job, I’ve been utilizing Application Programming Interfaces (API), where users are required to employ authentication keys in ...

How to Automatically Build and Deploy Your Front-end Demo Environment with Docker and GitLab CI: React & Vite & Mock.js

Absolutely, a well-crafted demo environment is your golden ticket in today’s front-end development landscape! Using Docker and GitLab CI, you can swiftly package and deploy your React and Vite-based projects. It’s a streamlined approach that not only enhances team collaboration but also ...

How To Reset Your Life In 4 Days Or Less

I’ll be honest with you. These last two days have been rough. Like I’m stuck in an inescapable rut. However, I’m not willing to resign myself to defeat yet. I’ve learnt a few things over the years that have helped me break old patterns in exchange for new ones. ...

Change the Organizational Environment with the Five I’s Model

Change is an inevitable part of organizational growth and adaptation. Whether it’s embracing new technologies, improving processes, or responding to market demands, change is essential for staying competitive in the dynamic business landscape. However, change initiatives often face resis...

7 Ways Leaders Contribute to a Toxic Workplace Environment

Toxic work environments are unfortunately all too common. And while it’s easy to place blame on individual employees, often the root cause of the toxicity can be traced back to the leaders of the organization. In this article, we’re going to discuss how leaders contribute to the toxic...

How Does a Manager Deal With a Toxic Employee in a Unionized Environment?

How Does a Manager Deal With a Troublesome Employee and What Does that Look Like in a Unionized Environment? What comes first? This is going to be a long and drawn out process so the manager needs to be prepared for what will seem like a war. So the first thing the manager needs to do is to...

Deploying a Spring Boot Application using Docker in Linux Environment

Through this project it shows how to deploy a Spring Boot project in Docker with following Docker Hub. Before deploying the project we should have the below pre-requirements. Pre-Requirements that needed to follow Install Docker in the Linux system. Follow the link mentioned to install...

Use Terraform for deploying resources in multiple environment

In my previous post azure resource deployment, I laid the groundwork by hardcoding values into our main.tf file. This approach was designed for clarity, focusing on grasping the Terraform workflow. However, in practical scenarios, we often need to deploy to multiple environments, such...

Navigating the Cloudscape: My Journey Migrating a Covid-19 Testing Result System to a Multi-Cloud Environment

Introduction When the Covid-19 pandemic swept the globe, every industry was forced to adapt rapidly. Hotels were no exception, with guest safety becoming the utmost priority. COVID-19 testing quickly became a part of standard operating procedures, necessitating a reliable, scalable, and secure sy...

Deploy Cloud Functions on GCP with Terraform (2nd Gen Environment)

The 2nd generation of Cloud Functions is a significant advancement in the serverless computing space. It builds upon the success of the first generation and introduces several key enhancements that empower developers to build more robust and scalable applications. Let’s go deeper into the 2nd ...

How to setup and create your own Linux desktop environment in the cloud and why do it?

Benefits of Digital Ocean over other cloud providers I’ve been using Digital Ocean (DO) for few months now and I am starting to see why this cloud provider is my go to for quickly spinning up new Linux VMs with way less complexities involved. DO has been a tiny competitor to the hyperscaler...

macOS: JAVA_HOME environment Setup

1. What is Java Home Many Java applications need to know the location of a $JAVA_HOME directory. The $JAVA_HOME on Mac OS X should be found using the /usr/libexec/java_home command-line tool on Mac OS X 10.5 or later. On older Mac OS X versions where the tool does no...

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Alacritty, Zsh, and Tmux: Tips for Customizing Your Terminal Environment

Alacritty is a fast, lightweight terminal emulator written in Rust. Here are the steps you can follow to set it up on your system: Install Alacritty: You can install Alacritty using a package manager such as Homebrew (on macOS) or your system’s package manager (on Linux). For example, yo...

How to Install DVWA In 2023 On Windows Environment

Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a fundamental tool when learning about hacking, especially in pen testing. I will only write this article once one of my friends asks what the most straightforward tutorial is on installing DVWA. Since I like to make step-by-step when setup/installing something. I w...

4 Reasons Why It’s Important to Be in Love with Your Environment

The word Topophilia was popularized by Yi-fu Tuan, a human geographer. For Tuan, Topophilia varies greatly in emotional range and intensity, including fleeting visual pleasure, the sensual delight of physical contact, the fondness for familiar places such as home, and joy because o...

COP26 & the impact of the built environment on people and planet

It’s the second week of COP26, and all across Glasgow you’ll find political activists, industry experts, and members of charitable organisations milling around the open venues, while the world’s leaders discuss our planet’s future behind guarded doors at the city’s main...

How to Survive and Thrive — as a Startup in a Tough Regulatory Environment

Until recently, shared-mobility companies were able to deploy their assets in the city of Tel-Aviv without much interference from the local TLV government. But since August 1st, 2019 all players must fully comply with an extensive set of the city’s rules and regulations if they ...

20 Reasons Why it is Necessary To Conserve Our Environment

The planet’s ecosystem is hampered because of a plethora of anthropogenic actions. Thus, it’s a moral responsibility of humans to safeguard the environment from degradation and pollution. Hey guys we are an environmental NGO and we are constantly conducting various environmenta...

If You Actually Care About Saving the Environment, Start By Loving It Again

When it comes to the outdoors, I’m more like Henry David Thoreau than Bear Grylls. I’m not interested in cold camps or survival techniques. I don’t plan on hunting moose with a handmade bow like that one guy on the reality show “Alone.” I’m more interested i...

How To Thrive In A Chaotic Environment With Zen

The Zen Approach to Chaos Zen Buddhism, with its deep roots in contemplative practice, teaches us the art of finding stillness within chaos. At the core of Zen is the concept of mindfulness — being fully present in the moment. This practice encourages us to observe our surroundings and inne...

Embracing Diversity in Tech: AppExert’s Inclusive Work Environment

Diversity enriches our workspace with fresh perspectives, unique experiences, and a vibrant tapestry of skills. It’s the driving force behind our innovation and creativity, ensuring we leave no stone unturned in our quest for excellence. AppExert understands that true inclusivity extends fa...

Our Environment Shapes Us More Than Astrology

Since I was young, I liked astrology and I wanted to become an astrologer because I was fascinated by understanding people’s lives, and I believed in astrology’s potential to guide and assist others. So I started checking horoscopes and listening to online tarot readers and astrologer...

Meet Speedy: My Dashing Journey of Creating an RL Agent to Master the CarRacing Environment

Hey there, gearheads and AI enthusiasts! Buckle up because I’m going to take you on a high-octane journey today. We’re not just racing cars; we’re coding a reinforcement learning (RL) agent to race cars. Say hello to Speedy, my virtual speedster that learned to navigate the challen...

Volunteering with Unaccompanied Immigrant Children to Help them Find an Embracing Environment

Priscila Marroquin is a Young Center volunteer based in Chicago whose unwavering devotion to supporting immigrant children stems largely from her personal experiences coming to the United States as an undocumented child. When Priscila was six, she traveled from Guatemala to the U.S. with her mom and...

As climate change erodes land and health, one Louisiana tribe fights back | Food and Environment Reporting Network

Devon Parfait steers his truck into the parking lot of what used to be a firehouse on Shrimpers Row in Dulac, Louisiana. He tries to get his bearings in a landscape both familiar and strange. He spies a bayou down a side street, so we walk in that direction, searching for traces of the home his fami...

How your environment impacts you

As a genetics professor, I talk a lot about the role of genes in everything from child behavior to addiction and mental health, mostly because that’s the part that’s often overlooked, that people aren’t talking about. But that doesn’t mean that the environment doesn’t p...

How Can You Overcome Genes, Environment, and Culture to Get or Stay Sober?

As my friend Kris regaled me with stories of her extended family, I commented, “Wow, a lot of people in your family are alcoholics.” She said, “Yes. We have the addiction gene. That’s why I’ve never had anything to drink.” I didn’t know there was an addic...

How Environment Shapes The Narcissist

For a narcissist to flourish, they need two simple ingredients: A willing sacrifice, and weak boundaries. Yet how the narcissist operates in the world depends enormously on the environment they choose to inhabit. Narcissistic supply can take many shapes. Sex. Money. Attention. Adulation. Acknowle...

Guide to Setting Up Your Offline Arabic to English Translation Environment

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through setting up an offline Arabic to English translation environment based on the OfflineArabicToEnglishTranslator project hosted on GitHub. This setup utilizes Python, the Hugging Face Transformers library, and the powerful MarianMT mo...

Report Writing — World Environment Day

Mr. Mahendra Singh Dhoni our former cricketer, was the Chief Guest of this ceremony. He planted a rose plant and inaugurated ceremony. There were lot of crowd as many people gathered to watch Mr.Virat Kohli and also to be a part of this programme. He addressed in his speech to all people “To s...

[SOLVED] Python Scripts Folder is Empty and Pip Not Recognised Error Is Showing After Setting Up Environment Variable

View on My Original Website to See Hidden Contents : MacStockOfficial.com In This Post, I have Managed to Show You How You Can Easily Fix The Problem : Script Folder is Empty in Python Basically, It is Not an Error, It is a Bug Of Python which is Faced By a Lot of Users. Steps to Fix T...