How to Install DVWA In 2023 On Windows Environment

<p>Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a fundamental tool when learning about hacking, especially in pen testing. I will only write this article once one of my friends asks what the most straightforward tutorial is on installing DVWA. Since I like to make step-by-step when setup/installing something. I would be happy to help him. Okay, since we want to install it in Windows Environment, there are a few things that you need to know before installing the DVWA.</p> <h1>Requirements</h1> <p>There are several ways to install DVWA on your computer; I know only two of them. The first is the easiest method: download the `.ova` version and run it using VirtualBox/VMware, and voila, the system is running. But I wouldn&rsquo;t prefer that way because it took a bigger size and minimum debugging process. Okay, let me tell you how to install DVWA in Windows Environment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>