How to setup and create your own Linux desktop environment in the cloud and why do it?

<h1>Benefits of Digital Ocean over other cloud providers</h1> <p>I&rsquo;ve been using Digital Ocean (DO) for few months now and I am starting to see why this cloud provider is my go to for quickly spinning up new Linux VMs with way less complexities involved. DO has been a tiny competitor to the hyperscalers namely AWS, Microsoft Azure and GCP mostly aimed at developer testing and startups rather than large enterprises. Some other advantages of using DO over the hyperscalers are better pricing, ease of use, much easier learning curve. Its in no way a sponsored post, just writing from my personal experience.</p> <h1>Why have a GUI for Ubuntu Linux</h1> <p>I&rsquo;ll start with saying first off that installing and setting up GUI on a Ubuntu server takes CPU, RAM and storage, its just like installing an application on it, its definitely not necessary to install it if you are completely comfortable with interacting with it through a terminal window. Its also not recommended and against conventional wisdom because of potential security vulnerabilities, more packages that need updating, and more potential server downtime. That being said, having a GUI can have benefits in certain scenarios, namely:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>