How to Automatically Build and Deploy Your Front-end Demo Environment with Docker and GitLab CI: React & Vite & Mock.js

<p>Absolutely, a well-crafted demo environment is your golden ticket in today&rsquo;s front-end development landscape! Using Docker and GitLab CI, you can swiftly package and deploy your React and Vite-based projects. It&rsquo;s a streamlined approach that not only enhances team collaboration but also wins over clients by showing them functional, interactive demos instead of static slides. With speed and automation, you&rsquo;re not just keeping up in the fast-paced world of tech; you&rsquo;re setting the pace!</p> <p>If you are interested in how to make a Demo with Mock.js, check out this article!</p> <h2>How to Present Your Project Demo to Clients: Mock.js</h2> <h3>Empowering Frontend Development with Mock.js for Seamless Project Demos</h3> <p></p> <h2>Packaging Settings</h2> <p>First, we need to set up the project&rsquo;s packaging environment to ensure the project can run correctly in a Docker container. Below is an example Dockerfile and package.json setting:</p> <p>Dockerfile:</p> <pre> FROM node:16.17.1-slim WORKDIR /app COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ RUN npm ci COPY . . EXPOSE 8080 CMD [&quot;npm&quot;, &quot;run&quot;, &quot;dev&quot;]</pre> <p>package.json:</p> <pre> &quot;scripts&quot;: { &quot;dev&quot;: &quot;vite --host --port 8080&quot;, &quot;build&quot;: &quot;tsc &amp;&amp; vite build&quot;, },</pre> <p>In the Dockerfile, we chose Node.js 16.17.1 as the base image and set the working directory and the container&rsquo;s default startup command. In package.json, we define two common script commands for starting the server and building demo code.</p> <h2>CI/CD Settings</h2> <p>Next, we will set up the GitLab CI/CD process for automated building and deployment. Below is an example&nbsp;<code>.gitlab-ci.yml</code>&nbsp;configuration file</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>